Marisol sent me this... I found it cute=)
Again... I'm just bloggin coz i'm bored. I'm hungry and still waiting for my dad to buy dinner back. I can't think when I'm hungry, so ya... I can't do homework or any of those productive stuff to keep me occupied. okays... I just gave an explanation on how I came to be bored...
I can't recall learning much in school today except that short "speech" Mdm Yeo gave us about saying no to things, learning how to prioritise your stuff and managing your time. Things that I only introduced to my life this year. It helped boost my grades a little, but not alot. I wonder how people like Qi Guang actually juggle everything they have to do. Seriously I don't get how they do that. My dad's another one in that group. They finish all their work, get outstanding results, and still have time to be happy. I always find that I still lack time to sort out my various stuffies. Of course, stepping down from debate helped, but right after that, all the remedials and supplementaries poured in, so i don't really see the difference in the amount of time I have left for self revision and study. and to be happy.
Ahhh... crap. Physics SPA on tues. I don't really understand the experiment. Like really, I don't. I really feel like giving up on Physics totally, and just focus on Chem and Bio. Biology is the best one... just memorise everything... and there's your A. Chemistry is getting slightly easier for me, ever since i started revising and doing questions. Physics is still.... er... hanging by a thread on the end of a cliff?? Ya...
Ms Kaur gave me 35/40 for my English oral practice =) That really made my day.
Su Xue is sick... having fever, coz she got caught in the rain, one of the mornings while she was cycling to school. I really hope she gets well soon... she falls sick too easily. It's worrisome.
and FYI, I'm sorta managing my emotions really well right now. Like I can control it, and not let it control me, and drive me nuts. I won't say that i've totally forgotten, like there were a few times when I thought that I was officially totally over, but once you see that guy, its like ... ... ... well, your heart melts, your feelings get all confused, tangled,and it comes back. What can I say? Its pretty hard to totally forget someone (ok, i admit, its virtually impossible for me, within a short period of time) so I've sorta employed a new tatic, which is to manage. Yeah, the feelings for that someone will still be there, sometimes you still have those all too perfect daydreams of fairytale endings and I'm not suppressing it, just acknowleging that the feelings exist, whilst I go about my life. its a lovebug... (jonas!!) lolx. But if ya wanna ask me who that person is, as i've said before, my lips are sealed. Here's to me, moving on.
Going to grab some agar-agar I made from the fridge, I really am food deprived.
I'm dreaming of making pancakes for breakfast... maybe I shall just do that, for mother's day =)
I miss the fresh Canadian Maple Syrup that goes with it, though. its hard to find authentic fresh maple syrup here, so usually we substitute it with honey when we make pancakes.
Oh, and I just found out that Kira Plastinina's stores in USA have all closed down. she's not doing well there, but her business is brisk back in russia. Sad... I love the clothes that she designs. A teenage millionaire's heiress, with a fashion street label. My dream... But of course, let's focus on reality, which is 7-9 points (w/out bonus) for O levels. 加油!
double XO,
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