Thursday, May 7, 2009


I limited myself to only 10 more minutes on the computer, so I'm really gonna type fast... Pls Excuse any typo errors if there are any =)

"u know who" has been smsing me about homework and school these few days, and I've been trying to help her catch up... Really, she is a nice person, once you learnt how to accept her, er, imperfections. After reading so many books on psychology, the best way is just to accept her as who she is, and not to discriminate her. It's only the right thing to do. I think she doesn't like certain teachers because they failed to take into considerations her imperfections, and sort of forced stress and workload on her, which can (and has) sorta trigger a backlash reaction. Not the teachers fault though, cause i'm guessing they don't read psychology as a off-school hobby like me...

Had this skin care course by Shiseido in school today. They taught us how to apply basic make-up and all... Learnt a few stuff, including Cheng Hui's paranioa of eye makeup. =) Shiseido even gave us like 2 tiny bottles of cleanser and moisturiser. But they didn't mention anything about acne caused by overproduction of hormones due to stress though. Haix... I don't have acne when i'm not stressed. or when i'm in temperate, four seasons climate.

Xians... have Emaths probability test tmr. I really don't have the mood to study for it. But good luck to all for that test!! I've been having gastric pains for the whole day, eating food (the usual remedy) doesn't even help make it go away.

I've been thinking somewhat about my career options lately, and I felt that maybe it would be more practical for me to go into fashion marketing and merchandising, getting the links and connections and all, before diving into fashion desing. At least you get a stable income in marketing and merchandising... and dealing with advertising is fun too =) I'm also thinking of taking theatre arts in Uni... so maybe I can try out acting for awhile whilst studying, just for the fun of it. =) I also wanna take psychology... coz its soo intriguing. wow... i guess i've got my hands full on that

I soo wanted to go to the IB programme in St Joeseph Independent International school... As it would be a new experience rather than going for A levels. But Cheng Hui just called to say that the application fees is $2700. wtf. Seriously, they don't need $2700 to process a damn form. And if we can't get in, they'll only refund $ 1000+. It's not that i can't afford the price or something, its just too ridculous to "give away" money like that. Its just practically madness. There goes my dream for IB. I guess its off to Nanyang JC then...

Oh, and pls don't ask me who I like or anything along those lines, coz I'm not so silly to tell you. My advice? Give up guessing. some of the guesses only make me laugh. =)

Whoops... gtg now... I'm 3 mins overtime...
But I hope you like the new music on the blog... I kinda got tired of listening to "Hot n Cold" over and over again.

toodles =P

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