Friday, May 22, 2009

4th post of the week

Kris Allen feat. Keith Urban. Kiss a girl, american idol 2009 finale.

Kris Allen. No Boundaries, american idol 2009 finale.

Ohh mann... i think i'm addicted to blogging. Like i'm been blogging for like tues, wed, thurs and today. Well, I guess I'll just blog today and maybe resist the temptation to blog again tmr... maybe.... After blogging, I always feel like I'm re-energized, so I can start studying again. I wonder.

Yesterday was actually planning to skip today's sports carnival, as I was soo soo tired. I've been like studying like mad for the past 2 weeks, and I guess the lack of sleep and fatigue has finally caught up with me. Last night, I changed my mind, told myself I would wake up for the sports carnival, to support my friends in the competition, and those who organised it. But, ironically, I forgot to tell my parents that, and I overslept this morning. Woke up around 8 plus plus, with a headache. In the end, I didn't turn up for school.

Spend the day studying... Doing all the homework, and chinese mock papers, and notes for chem. It was a productive day... made a bowl of soba noodles for lunch. I've been eating school lunches so often now, that I almost forgot how good home cooked (or rather, self-cooked) lunch tasted... Not to mention its much healthier and more filling. Our school sells food in such minute portions! I usually eat like twice or thrice the portion. However, the food itself is enough to make me lose my appetite, so I only eat one... lols.

Watched a little bit of American idol last night. Kris Allen won... yay! I mean Adam Lambert is actually a very good singer, but I hate the fact he screams so much. Lots of wasted performances because of the screaming. At the finale, he performed with the heavy metal band KISS. It was scary, disgusting and gross.

Firstly, I hate heavy heavy metal.

I mean those type like Linkin Park is fine, but bands like KISS and Metallica just disgust me. Firstly those bands are made up of a few old men who dress up like aliens with painted faces and outrageous costumes. They sing "songs" with no meaning... no... they scream songs. They love to stick their tongue out at you, and other than the fact that they need tongue cleaners, I don't have a clue of what they are trying to prove.They waste money by always smashing guitars at their shows, and the only thing you'll get out of their concerts is damaged ear drums. Sorry if anyone loves those freaks but I in my point of view, they are so damn gross. Maybe its even because of that, that people didn't vote for the talented Adam, and voted for the traditional, which is Kris. That's what I would have done too, vote for Kris. His performance with Keith Urban was fantastic. Kris and Keith!! woohoo!

But I have to give credit to Adam Lambert, coz he is a good singer.

gtg, going to watch korean drama on tv... hahax.


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