Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mommy's day... not my day.

My sore throat has gone, fever doesn't bother me anymore... but this stupid runny nose is still lingering. My nose drop has since expired, so I can't use it anymore,so I'm still sniffering everywhere I go... Dang.

Physics SPA on Tues, I haven't got a clue about what to do... I don't even get what Mr Lee is saying... going to clarify with Cheng Hui tmr. See how... I think I'm gonna flunk this SPA. Even if its an Actual SPA, I don't feel the need or have the mood to do well for it, no matter how hard I try to motivate myself to do so...

Okay... "you-know-who" just smsed me a very... er... strange message. Right... I have no idea how or what to answer her. Here's her qn : how many times have people not zipped his pants in front of any female, other than his wife?
wow. I would really "love" to answer that, but I haven't got a clue to the answer... Anyone wants to give a shot at answering?? I would gladly and be more than willing to help her with school and homework, but sometimes, when she poses such questions to me, I really am stumped.

I still haven't finished a single homework, working on Chemistry now. Is there any way that I can skip the Physics SPA? Coz I really really cannot do Heat capacity chapter. I can't. Maybe I should go to Mr Goh's class tmr morning and do my work. Maybe I can concentrate more there.
Argghh... I only can breathe through 1.5 of my nose. It doesn't feel good at all.

Newspaper says that the all infamous Mas Selemat only swimmed 1.1 km to reach Malaysia. He started swimming from somewhere at Admiralty west road or something. That's about 20 laps in a swimming pool, and the expert they consulted in the newspapers said that "it was something that any schoolboy could do"... Didn't know it was that easy to escape Singapore. Not that I'll attempt that, though. Aquaphobic here, can't swim well. I only can swim like near the edges of the pool, where I know that there's something for me to grab if I happen to drown or whatever. Otherwise, you won't see in waters more than 1 metre deep without a board.

I'm soo tired. Somehow I think my flu may be returning. Maybe I should take Mdm Yeo's advice and wind down. Relax... But there's just too many things too little time.

I wasn't feeling too great or estatic today, so I haven't wished my Mom a happy Mother's day yet... I think, given my nasty mood now, it wouldn't sound sincere at all. Perhaps later, when my spirits pick up a bit. But I love my mom, nevertheless. It doesn't have to be mothers day to treat her especially nice. It should be everyday... But too often a time, she gets on the recieving end of my stressed out mind. Sorry mom, and thanks for tolerating =)

Okays, better get back to alcohols and carboxylic acids now.


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