Wednesday, December 31, 2008
this NEW year...
ok... maybe i dramatised a bit with my play of words... but certainly, school isn't anything good to look forward to. 'O' Levels surely doesn't help in making things better.... only worse.
This might sound crazy, but I miss my childhood. Because Singaporeans only get to enjoy less than 5 years of it. The rest of the "robbed" years were dreadfully spent in preparation for examinations, tests, extra-ciricculum activities which have noticably and unmistakenly taken control of our entire life. That's a Singaporean Kid for you.
I never really realised that kids were entitled to so much fun, freedom, and space for creativity until my first visit to a Canadian School. I would never forget or stop yearning for that sort of life, but I suppose in local schools, its clear to impossible.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry X'mas!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
twilight movie

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Twilight and Taylor Swift....

Twilight and Taylor swift...
Current mood: calm
Heya... You'd probably be wondering what Twilight has gotta do with Taylor Swift. I only have one answer for you... I LOVE them both =)
still obsessed with taylor's music, and as usual, i'm listening to her tunes while I type this blog... and I'm so gladd, that her album Fearless is number ONE again. (double smiles =))
I can't wait to watch Twilight... yeah, those of ya in USA might think I'm slow, but it only opens in Singapore on the 18th of December. So I'm like watching it on Monday, at my favourite cinema, Orchard Cathay Yayy...
Did I mention that I read the Twilight book 3 times already?? hahax, well now you know. =)
Currently listening:Taylor Swift
By Taylor Swift
Release date: 2008-03-18
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Twilight FEVER...
OMG... twilight is just soo damn damn good. I'm like soo in love with the book, I read it 3 freaking times, and it never seems to bore me at all! Stephenie Meyer... you ROCK!!! I'm going to watch the movie next Monday, and just soo can't wait... But before that, I have to get myself a copy of New Moon during the weekends... =)
Above is the Twilight the movie's official trailer... even the trailer is so awesome... hahax. anyway, check it out, and more on
I bet everyone, after reading and watching Twilight, will be as crazy as me... TWILIGHT FEVER... lols.
anyway, enjoy the trailer, and your holidays while you still can. =(
carmen =)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Fly On the Wall official music vid
Go milEy!
carmEn ;P
Monday, December 8, 2008
I miss everyone so much. Just had my class chalet on the 5th december, had a smoky BBQ (yummo)... I feel kinda badd though, coz i just sat there, and didn't really help cook... hahax. Fine, i'll payback next year. ;)
had tonnes of fun, playing at the beach with my 2 besties, however, was really sadd that Su xue couldn't make it. well, we'll just have to make sure that the next class gathering would be bigger, and BETTER. (yummo too!)
working on a couple of projects, and homework this week. Aim to finish all the homework by this week... seems impossible, but have to try.
'listening to Taylor Swift's first album over and over again. Godd, I just love her music. =D
okayys, gtg now, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do ;P
(yummo yummo, hahax, trademark of Rachel Ray.)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
stand up against cancer
I saw this cool widget on Rihanna's myspace page.... it's so cool, celebs joining hands to fight a common cause - cancer. help spread the word...and create awareness... we need to start helping these people too. take action TODAY.
Friday, November 21, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008
i'm sick! with hypoglycemia?
I'm not scared, but this possibly is the reason and explanation I've been looking for. I mean, I've always had these really bad stomach aches and giddy spells almost everyday of the week. and I always feel kinda light headed, like you've low blood pressure kinda thing? Yeah. It was really unbearable at first, and in school i would like break in to cold sweat in the midst of lessons. It's been going on for almost 2 months now, so I think that I kinda got used to it.
I'm still getting it now, even though it's the holidays... godd. Should I visit the doc?'Don't Know.
carmen =(
never my friend
I thought you were my friend
Someone I could talk to
I was always there to lend
a shoulder where you could cry your blues
But you never took me seriously
Now finally I've had enough.
You never really notice when I'm not me
How many times have i had to fake a laugh
When i'm tearing up inside...
So now I shut my doors,
lock my heart song in
Never gonna let you in again
All you did was say
how bad was your day
I can't imagine how oblivious you were
to me
Well girl, I finally broke off, realised,
That you, was never my friend.
After the time you said
you could do fine without me
I almost cried a tear
on the other side of the telephone
Well, but you hung up before I could say
How mean can you be to me
You never realize when I'm not me
How many times i've had to fake a laugh
When I'm tearing up inside...
So now i shut my doors
lock my heart song in
never gonna let you in again
All you did was say
How busy was your day
I can't imagine how oblivious you were to me
Well girl, I finally broke off, realised
That you were never a friend.
You never gave a damn bout anything
just looked at yourself
now it's time for you to realize why your true friends are no one else but me
but now I'm leaving
Now that I've shut my doors
locked my heart song in
you've no one else to tell
how alone you feel now
and I can imagine how you're gonna finally feel
how it's to be neglected, disrespected
and you're never my friend.
~To this particular person~ wishing you bad luck forever.
Monday, November 17, 2008
new songs...
Friday, November 14, 2008
new UNC website
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Demi lovato's don't forget ROCKS!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
dread, tears, move on
evening everyone...
feeling pretty emotional after watching the movie "P.S I love you" its a really good one... all of ya who haven't watched it yet should go rent it or buy the disc... those who have watched it.... watch it again...
its school again tmr, but without my bestie Su Xue... waahhhss... its gonna be boring. 2 more days girl, and its the holidays.
Ya know, i've like made a pact with myself. I'm gonna live my life the fullest during these holidays, and really enjoy it. I wanna start 2009 without any regrets, and I'm gonna do it. I must. You guys and girls should too...
I'm leaving ya with a video of one of my fav JoBro songs... hello beautiful.
And to all the people outta feeling unsure of themselves, don't worry, just step up and show the world the true you, because i believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way.
With Love,
Friday, October 31, 2008
demi lovato's camp rock dedication
just a song demi lovato did for the cast and staff of camp rock... enjoy!
XOXO.... carmen
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
hilary duff....
soo tired because of everything that's going on... going to have my SPA science exams soon... OMG!!
haix. Well been sourcing for dressmaking courses these few weeks, but can't seem to find any!! this is soo fustrating. i mean like, it is that hard to find a course that i want??
anyway... promoting the new album from Hilary Duff... labeled the best of hilary duff. Its all yr fave hilary's songs packed into one sweet album. Nice eh? hahax.
that's all for today... really shld turn in early. my eyes are shutting on me. =(
Monday, October 27, 2008
dancing woes...
Listen to Your Body: One important challenge facing many dancers is consuming sufficient amounts of food to meet the energy demands of a rigorous dance schedule. Dance is a burst-intensity exercise which relies on proper digestion and a continuous supply of caloric energy; therefore it is important for dancers to eat five to six small meals throughout the day. The body performs at its best when filled with the proper fuel.
Take Time to Heal: When suffering an injury, a dancer will often dance through it or take as little time off as possible to heal. Pushing through the pain may very well lead to the same end. Prompt evaluation and treatment can facilitate long-lasting benefits for dancers, and reduce the risk of damaging or career-threatening injuries."
Sunday, October 26, 2008
stand up speak out event
Friday, October 24, 2008
new picture!
anyway... i'm slightly pissed off by a certain person that obviously doesn't understand the value of friendship, trust and commitment, and how that contributes to success of a team. Forcing us to work with someone that we aren't comfortable with... DREAM ON. like i hate it when the ppl that so-called have more power that students make us do things that we hate. it SUCKS.
now i'm listening to Avril Lavigne to let off some steam... haix. where's my guardian angel?
enough of unhappy stuff. ONE piece of gd news... my mum agreed to buy me a purity ring... =)
tt's all i guess..
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
teen vogue
one thing.... DOES ANYONE HAVE THE JUNE/JULY ISSUE OF TEEN VOGUE? I want it sooo bad... coz it features a 3 page spread of the jonas brothers!! OMG... I like stopped reading teen vogue because like the price went up from $6.90 to like over $8 which was like crazy.... but now... I found a stall which sells the magazine for $5.90... YEAH!
Can't wait for the latest issue of Seventeen Magazine to come out as well... I'm soo dying for fall/winter tips to hype up my look.
well the only down side to this goodbye-exam period is my piano... my teacher expects me to like score crazy... wadeva... I mean.... seriously I DON'T GIVE A DAMN. I hate those eccentric songs they have in the exam book... i mean like they DON'T sound nice at all...
Friday, September 19, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
the list goes on...
Thursday, September 4, 2008
vote the jonas!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
sept holis
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I'mmm BACK
I'm soo excited today, after getting my hands on the September issue of SEVENTEEN SINGAPORE... goddd... it has MILEY ON THE COVER!
and she opens up about NICK JONAS, plus great tips for gettng your own fashion statement... of course great DIY tips! and lots of freebies to be given away... what are you waiting for GET YOUR OWN COPY NOW!
anyway... I just recieved news that CAMP rock features on Disney channel in Singapore only on September 7... but i've watched it like a month and a half ago, when it premiered in Canada and U.S
mann... its so sloow in singapore...
I updated my music playlist as well so enjoy... chooww
carmen =)
Sunday, August 10, 2008

carmen XD
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I started off yesterday backstage of the concert, as the reserve emcee.. cheng hui finally came back from her medical leave, and was able to perform really well on the concert as the emcee, although the school wasn't really cooperative that day...
later on during the bazaar, we had loads of fun! I started out with my friends making the hotdogs for sale, and later on, went around selling the hotdogs....
I shouted at like the top of my voice back at the stall, trying to gain customers. and now... i've got a sore throat! hahax. I spent all my money on food, food and a photo of me and my friends. and the things i bought were all from my class' stalls. hahax, talk about biasness.
today's national day... so wishing y'all out there a great time!
carmen =)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I'm so excited to set up my new club together with my friend cheng hui... really...! This year I really did accomplish alot of things, in my debating and also in other aspects, except my studies, which is not really my top priority right now.
I think that studying is important, but I've found that throughout my journey in achieving good grades, I've lost some part of my life, my personality, my likes, my time in the process. Teenage years should be spent on trying to find your true self. And that's what I'm doing right now. and pushing studies back. To me, It's the right thing to do.
Remember guys and gals...never lose who you are, no matter what you do. Cheers...!
P.S:: I got my own copy of breakout... miley rocks!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
UNC official video...
Hya... I created this video to promote my new and upcoming club with C.H.... enjoy!!
with love...
carmen =)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
jonas brothers "tonight"and "burning up"out now!!
Have been really stressed and unfocused lately... dunno what's wrong with me.. but i hope i fix myself soon.
cheers mates... don't worry bout me...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
breakout is OUT.
heya peeps,
MILEY CYRUS' latest album breakout is out in stores! be sure to get it as soon as possible... in the meantime, enjoy her lastest music video, 7 things...
carmen =)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
UNC unc UNC!!
oh yeah! hahax
but less on that and more of what's currently happening in MY LIFE>>> well in the ajc invitational debates, my team made it to the semi-finals, amongst division 1 schools, and we lost to MGS by a little bit...
but i'm still proud that we've made it this far... so to cchy debate team::
we are the best!!
XOXO, lots of luv
Monday, June 30, 2008
song lyrics:: broken heart
Now that i look at you again,
I see you with different eyes,
I remember the time you were my friend ... oh
we spent good times together,
then you turned your back
you made me fall you made me sad
I thought we were special
that we'll never end...
but you only left me with one damn thing
oh its that brokenheart i thought i'd never mend
i believed it was the end of the world
cause gone was the one i trusted the most
but i got back up stronger again
i proved you wrong i backed you down
and i pieced together that brokenheart.
i have moved on, with other BFFs
they're so much better
but sometimes think back
i thought we were special
that we'll never end
but you only left me one stupid thing
oh its that brokenheart i thought i'd never mend
I believed it was end of the world
cause gone was the one i trusted most
but i got back up stronger again
and i proved you wrong i backed you down
i pieced together that broken heart.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
all jeans day... what to wear??!!
and what shoes should I wear?? I'm thinking of my white canvas sneakers... but then again, there's P.E on that day, and it would probably be wiser to wear trainers instead.... aaarrrggghhhh... this is so fuctrating.. esp when the school doesn't allow us wearing sleeveless, making the choice harder.
update y'all soon
Saturday, June 28, 2008
busy lady...
i'm so busy these 2 weeks... with school anniversary coming up, and me being the emcee, its really going to be crazy. But anyway, being emcee is more tough and fun than i initially thought. but the only thing is that it's very time consuming.
anyway, with my BFF being my co-host, there's really nothing to worry about. Anyway.... really rushing for time, and have to go now... sorry guys, won't be able to blog much these 2 weeks.\
Sunday, June 22, 2008
aaahhh... back to school tmr..
Friday, June 20, 2008
Oh no... end of the holidays...

Thursday, June 19, 2008
How'd like me new blogskin??
Monday, June 16, 2008
CHeck out Kira Plastinina
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Miley Cyrus's new album... BREAKOUT!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
can't get over miley!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Rocking my life!!

Monday, June 2, 2008
Hye!! baack frm CANADA.... had fun, though there were down times as well...
anyway... lemme get to da point.. i watch STEP UP 2: THE STREETS on the plane... and hell ya it ROCKS... This last dance was my all time fav.... and i love the move on time 4.16. hahax... damn cool
Thursday, May 15, 2008
anyone noes which suppliers make hoodies...?? speaking of hoodies, i'm totally in love with the hoodies from the UK brand Animal.
I just bought a Animal wallet... and i must say.... it cost 23 dollars... but it looks damn cool and chic!
I luv ANIMAL>>> hahax
anyway... its late... gtg now. nd my beauty slp. if not tmr morn look like bookman from d.gray-man.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
a story
I really love the song "one in a million" from the Hannah Montana soundtrack 2... soo magical... so here's the song.... and the lyrics too!!
How did I get here? I turned around and there you wereDidn't think twice or rationalize – cuz somehow I knewThat there was - more than just chemistryI mean I knew you were kind of into mebut I figured it's too good to be true
B SECTIONI said pinch me, where's the catch this time Can't find a single cloud in the sky Help me before I get used to this guy
CHORUSThey say that good things take time But really great things happen in a blink of an eye Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one – Can’t believe it - you're one in a millionAll this time I was looking for love Trying to make things work that weren't good enoughTill I thought I'm through, said I'm doneand stumbled into the arms of the one
VERSE 2You're making me laugh about the silliest stuffSay that I'm your diamond in the roughWhen I'm mad at you - you come with your velvet touchCan't believe that I'm so lucky – I have never felt so happyEvery time I see that sparkle in your eyes
CHORUSThey say that good things take time But really great things happen in a blink of an eye Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one – Can’t believe it - you're one in a millionAll this time I was looking for love Trying to make things work that weren't good enoughTill I thought I'm through, said I'm doneand stumbled into the arms of the one
TURNAROUNDCan't believe that I'm so lucky – I have never felt so happyEvery time I see that sparkle in your eyes
CHORUSThey say that good things take time But really great things happen in a blink of an eye Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one – Can’t believe it - you're one in a millionAll this time I was looking for love Trying to make things work that weren't good enoughTill I thought I'm through, said I'm doneand stumbled into the arms of the one
Monday, May 12, 2008
designing for class tee...
i came up with a couple of designs, after searching for inspirations on the internet, mainly on websites like photobucket, deviantart and well, using yahoo! as well.... darn... who knew it could be so hard. hahax... but designing's my passion, i didn't really mind....
came up with few designs, but couldn't decide which... so i'll do a ask around in class tmr....
got back my results... they were devastating....
here's how:
Physics: 52
Chem: 70
Bio: 65
A maths: 50
E maths: 62
Maybe not devastating to some peeps... but devastating for me...
lucky my parents are not the type who go all over about grades. They dun really pressure me so i'm really lucky... ya??
well enjoying my new HANNAH MONTANA CD>>>
cheers everyone, and keep those fingers crossed when getting yr results back
Sunday, May 11, 2008
but i'm still gonna buy my Hannah montana Cd.. DEFINITELY... i'm not leaving singapore without it.
i hope i can get it and its not outta stock though... ***keeping my fingers crossed***.....
well things are really relaxed now, but i guess i'll have to face off with my results papers next wk...
eek... the thought of my exam results... eeek
well anyway.. gtg guys.
carmen =)
Friday, May 2, 2008
hannah montana
i'm like about to go crazy with my revision, but my mind suddenly clicked into a "I so don't care" mindset... which is gd in a way, coz i don't feel so stress... but bad ..coz when i revise.. nothing gets in my head~!
for goodness sake, i hate exams. no. actually, i hate being tested on things that i don't like. for example... MATHS MATHS MATHS. or math as the americans pronounce it. its driving me crazy. its supposed to stick to a god damned formula, but so far... the god damned formulas don't make a shit sense. seriously!!i'm not a maths person.. nv was. i'm more of a Humanities and Language person... science, i'm fine with. but MATHS.... YUCKS YUCKS... AARRGGHHH.....
maths its like an ugly stain on a piece of white dress, except that in place of the dress is my REPORT CARD. wow... luckily my aspiration is to be in the fashion business... imagine how devestated i'll be, if my job requires any tough maths at all...
sick stressed fustrated damned angry irritated tired grumpy sad emotional crazy disgusted overloaded
Monday, April 28, 2008
chinese exam...

Friday, April 25, 2008
stage debate and jason chan...
wow... been so busy with stuff lately, that i hardly blog. anyway... aft the exam i'll be sure to start posting pictures of my artwork again... just that lately i really dun hv the time to wait in front of the computer for the thing to scan.
anyway... yesterday we had a stage debate for the school assembly... OMG IT'S SOO COOL!! i wanna do it all over again if i wanted to. debate is really the best thing that has ever happened to me in a really really long time. and i spoke in my american accent on stage *giggles*...
THE HOST OF THE ARENA... jason chan CAME TO OUR SCH RIGHT AFTER THE DEBATE!! and Jop was going again and again... talking abt how "suai" the Jason Chan was. yeah... i knew long long ago that he had acted as the "SAMURAI RANGER" in Power rangers ninja storm. actually... that was my fav power rangers series... not becoz of jason chan.. but becoz of the blue ranger... i dunno the actress' name... but the character was the blue ranger and named Tori. under the request of our Head Prefect, mr jason chan actually did the "samurai ranger"moves on stage for the whole school. It was soo hilarious. THE BEST ASSEMBLY EVER!!!
well that's all folks... and watch the ARENA>> on channel 5!
blehs... enough of propaganda... hahax
p.s the debating team all got interviewed and we can see ourselves on national television... whooo!!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
julia gabriels
to think of how much we've sacrificed, our grades, our sleep, our time... some of us were even mentally and physically exhausted... but at least we made it quite far.
i got into the position of one of the top 20 best speakers in division III. but to my family, friends and of course my TEAM MATES.... i wouldn't have made it without y'all. and if i could change history, i'd rather we all got the same award together.
thnks esp to C.H (i'm jus saying the initials for safety puposes) ... who gave me so much encouragement, and whoose attitude inspired me to put in my very best, and the one who showed me the true meaning of winning and losing as a team.
thnx to my teachers too... esp ms selvi... and mr victor tan ... not forgetting mdm samboo.
y'all are the best!
from cArMen::
funny lavi commercial
click this hyperlink... i found a damn funny commercial for d.gray-man trading cards, featuring LAVI!!! aishiteru...!!
its pretty cute and can i guarantee it will at least make u smile.
carmen =)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
arggg slow internet...

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Just back from a BBQ
looking for a new blogskin for my blog.. getting tired of this current one. saw some pretty screwed up d.gray-man blogskins on the web. hahax.. there's even one on LAVI with bunny ears. cute, but i prefer the normal LAVI--aishiteru!!
lazy to make my own blogskin... wow... just realised there's soo few blogskins on D.gray-man. There's this really nice one... but the background is white. nehh... not emo enough... hahax.
i guess i'll stick with this one then.
tired and bored,
p.s. i really hate those pictures and stuff that say::
lavi x kanda (oh plss... they're not gay)
lavi x allen ( for gdness sake.. i'm a allen x lenalee fan)
lavi x lenalee (its true that he likes her a little, but isn't it obvious that she's smitten with allen walker??)
Monday, April 7, 2008
I'm actually doing my h/w right now... but decided to drop a post. Its been such a long time since i've done something that i wanna do... like draw and take a nap.. hahax. always been cropped up on studies.
i must kampate-jo! go all the way... be the best that i can be.
most of us don't realise the fortune that surrounds us, until someone reminds you... most of us take for granted our friends, our lives. treasure them y'all... you never realise their worth till you lose it. DON'T Wait till its too late.
cheers ppl.
carmen =P
Sunday, April 6, 2008
International baccalaureate...
Its called the International Baccalaureate (IB), and it provides a fantastic programme, where at the end, you get a diploma, which is recognised by the worlds top universities like Havard, Oxford and University of British Columbia.
In the programme, subjects provided include psycology, anthropology, sciences, languages and many more fun and interesting stuff that a normal Singaporean school would not provide.
Man.. I want an IB!! its so fun, and its basically my idea of great education.
go to this website and check it out, if you're interested::
The next thing is the United Nations Association of Singapore. I heard that they provide a educational programme, that educates a student on the United Nations, and the crisis of the world. How cool is that?? Plus, its only going for S$28 per student.... fantastic!
I've always wanted to be linked with the UN, doing humanitarian work and stuff. That's why i like Angelina Jolie... she really does them. hahax.
I want to set up a club, or maybe a project in my school to help the UNAS with their fundings for humanitarian efforts. But their website is taking ages to load!
well peeps,
i know that this post has been a real long one, but i really hope that you will support my aim, in self improvement=) hahax.... no just kidding.... but i really hope that y'all do a part and try to make the world a better place.
carmen =)
Saturday, April 5, 2008
half a win, half a loss
I won best speaker...
We lost the 1/4 finals....
I can finally relieve some stress...
to my debate team::
heya y'all.... we did our best this time... as usual, there is a good side and a bad side to things. but now... take it easy y'all! luv ya to pieces.
carmen =)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
some pictures i took....
Friday, March 21, 2008
freaking out
no matter what, when i'll live MY LIFE MY WAY. and i don't give a shit about the people who are trying to make my life dumb.
with melacholies.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
gosh. do y'll know how much i hate camps?!?!! like you are totally under the sun, sweating profusely, yr guts tell you run for the nearest tree, but you know you can't... smelling sweat everywhere, feel like collapsing, yr saliva starts to tast real sweet, yr head spins....
and they want you to attempt ROCK CLIMBING... you pray to God take you will vomit immediately, or pass out... goodness gracious
the heat, the feeling.... its almost like hell.
ok.. maybe i'm exagerrating... but camps are soo like ewww....
esp the food, and the activities.... bedtime and wake, shower.. oh god, i've nv wanted my innocence this much!!
well, will be away for a few days... pls help help help.
from an exorcist's soul
Saturday, March 8, 2008
hahax. i guess i'm just slightly over excited, coz my team won the debate!! hahax. although its just the preliminary round, i'm soo happy. coz it fact, that debate was the 2nd debate i'd ever have in my whole entire life!!
btw i won best speaker too... =)
but more importantly, its the first time in our school history that we've ever won a debate.. =D
they're gonna make the annoucement on monday, i've piano exam, but i so wanna be in sch.... maybe i will.
anyways... gtg now
high spirits,
carmen =P
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Illustration Friday: Multiple
Saturday, February 23, 2008
finally common tests over!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008
cny class deco competition

carmen =P