Sunday, November 9, 2008

dread, tears, move on

evening everyone...

feeling pretty emotional after watching the movie "P.S I love you" its a really good one... all of ya who haven't watched it yet should go rent it or buy the disc... those who have watched it.... watch it again...

its school again tmr, but without my bestie Su Xue... waahhhss... its gonna be boring. 2 more days girl, and its the holidays.

Ya know, i've like made a pact with myself. I'm gonna live my life the fullest during these holidays, and really enjoy it. I wanna start 2009 without any regrets, and I'm gonna do it. I must. You guys and girls should too...

I'm leaving ya with a video of one of my fav JoBro songs... hello beautiful.
And to all the people outta feeling unsure of themselves, don't worry, just step up and show the world the true you, because i believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way.

With Love,

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