Friday, May 2, 2008

hannah montana

god.... its the exam's alr... WHY SO FAST!!
i'm like about to go crazy with my revision, but my mind suddenly clicked into a "I so don't care" mindset... which is gd in a way, coz i don't feel so stress... but bad ..coz when i revise.. nothing gets in my head~!

for goodness sake, i hate exams. no. actually, i hate being tested on things that i don't like. for example... MATHS MATHS MATHS. or math as the americans pronounce it. its driving me crazy. its supposed to stick to a god damned formula, but so far... the god damned formulas don't make a shit sense. seriously!!i'm not a maths person.. nv was. i'm more of a Humanities and Language person... science, i'm fine with. but MATHS.... YUCKS YUCKS... AARRGGHHH.....

maths its like an ugly stain on a piece of white dress, except that in place of the dress is my REPORT CARD. wow... luckily my aspiration is to be in the fashion business... imagine how devestated i'll be, if my job requires any tough maths at all...

sick stressed fustrated damned angry irritated tired grumpy sad emotional crazy disgusted overloaded


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