Sunday, April 6, 2008

International baccalaureate...

I just found out of this new education scheme, that could replace that of A levels.
Its called the International Baccalaureate (IB), and it provides a fantastic programme, where at the end, you get a diploma, which is recognised by the worlds top universities like Havard, Oxford and University of British Columbia.
In the programme, subjects provided include psycology, anthropology, sciences, languages and many more fun and interesting stuff that a normal Singaporean school would not provide.

Man.. I want an IB!! its so fun, and its basically my idea of great education.
go to this website and check it out, if you're interested::

The next thing is the United Nations Association of Singapore. I heard that they provide a educational programme, that educates a student on the United Nations, and the crisis of the world. How cool is that?? Plus, its only going for S$28 per student.... fantastic!
I've always wanted to be linked with the UN, doing humanitarian work and stuff. That's why i like Angelina Jolie... she really does them. hahax.
I want to set up a club, or maybe a project in my school to help the UNAS with their fundings for humanitarian efforts. But their website is taking ages to load!

well peeps,
i know that this post has been a real long one, but i really hope that you will support my aim, in self improvement=) hahax.... no just kidding.... but i really hope that y'all do a part and try to make the world a better place.

carmen =)

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