Saturday, April 12, 2008

Just back from a BBQ

wow, just came back from a family BBQ at my aunt's condo. was pretty ok... just that i ate a lot of super oily sausages, dranks 3 cups of coke and ate a chocolate raspberry dougnut.... things that i dón't usually eat. i'm still bloated now from all the food... and have no mood at all to do my homework.

looking for a new blogskin for my blog.. getting tired of this current one. saw some pretty screwed up d.gray-man blogskins on the web. hahax.. there's even one on LAVI with bunny ears. cute, but i prefer the normal LAVI--aishiteru!!
lazy to make my own blogskin... wow... just realised there's soo few blogskins on D.gray-man. There's this really nice one... but the background is white. nehh... not emo enough... hahax.

i guess i'll stick with this one then.

tired and bored,

p.s. i really hate those pictures and stuff that say::
lavi x kanda (oh plss... they're not gay)
lavi x allen ( for gdness sake.. i'm a allen x lenalee fan)
lavi x lenalee (its true that he likes her a little, but isn't it obvious that she's smitten with allen walker??)

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