Sunday, October 12, 2008

teen vogue

Mann.... I'm so siked that the exams are over... now I'm free!

one thing.... DOES ANYONE HAVE THE JUNE/JULY ISSUE OF TEEN VOGUE? I want it sooo bad... coz it features a 3 page spread of the jonas brothers!! OMG... I like stopped reading teen vogue because like the price went up from $6.90 to like over $8 which was like crazy.... but now... I found a stall which sells the magazine for $5.90... YEAH!

Can't wait for the latest issue of Seventeen Magazine to come out as well... I'm soo dying for fall/winter tips to hype up my look.

well the only down side to this goodbye-exam period is my piano... my teacher expects me to like score crazy... wadeva... I mean.... seriously I DON'T GIVE A DAMN. I hate those eccentric songs they have in the exam book... i mean like they DON'T sound nice at all...



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