Sunday, September 27, 2009

wow. I just spent like my whole morning printing out A maths and Emaths practice papers. Gosh, I wonder if I have the time to finish all of them...

I've been struggling lately with studies. Like there's so much more to finish but so little time. Hopefully everything sorts out right before the O levels. I'm getting paranoid. Without doubt my brain is exhausted. I need so much sleep nowadays, and its getting harder and harder to concentrate. Maybe I should relax a whole lot for just one day, and push on again the next. But then again, there's not much time left. The last thing I want to do now is not put in my best effort, get grades that i do not want and disappoint the people who have pinned more than just hope on me.

I heard from Calista the other day that even Yishun JC's admission L1R5 has upped to 15 points. Great. I'm just going to aim for Nanyang JC and if I don't make the cut, Yishun shall have to do it. Or if worst come to worst, I'll directly audition for a place in Laselle art school.

Oh man. Everything seems to suck right now.

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