Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I've to go for lunch soon, so i'll make this real short and quick.

I have no idea why, but i'm hooked on Hannah Montana. I don't know, it just makes me smile, laugh, feel all better. It's probably because I grew up with Hannah Montana, she's like every little girl's dream. The Best of Both Worlds. It's great to get in touch with your past sometimes. =)

I just watched like Hannah Montana season 3 ep 18 "he could be the one". haha... guys problems. Got me laughing like crazy. It's really funny, y'all should watch if you have the time. I really don't feel like studying at all today. Maybe I should, maybe I shouldn't. Grah, i don't know. just feel like i've been wasting my holiday away just trying hard to finish all the homework.

Okay, i really have to go now... i'd be late for lunch if i don't hurry.

seeing miley and jake just makes me think of you.

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