Marisol is going through Another breakup. this is the... er 3rd or 4th time alr. I wish she wouldn't go believing every guy that comes around. She's too good for those asses.
don't know why, in terribly good spirits today. Like super high. Hmmm... and ok, maybe my "descriptions" have been abit too... er detailed? according to Samuel Poon. I decided to edit(Tks). =) Under parental guidiance... yes, my mom reads my blog, I want her to. She's like my BFF. That's what parents should be like. I have the best parents i could ever ask for.
Went to the National Library today, saw an interesting book. It's title wrote: Why Homework is Bad. I flipped it, and it had like all the information and scientific research that shows the detriments of homework towards teens & children's development... its overwhelming. Too bad when I was about to walk back to that shelf to borrow the book, someone else took it and walked away. Damn, should have taken it earlier. Then maybe we can show that to our teachers and well, hopefully there'd be less homework... hopefully. Anyways, I'm going to borrow it the next time.
Oh, before I end off, I almost forgot to mention, if Xing Lai knows, ok then fine. Maybe i shld ask him if he knows on Mon... hahax. Like really ask him...( it'll be fun) But let's just keep it this way, hope things don't get worse. I won't want a reality show going about me when I'm trying to multi task a truckload of stuff. (That's what poor Mari is going thru. Trash that jerk, jackass) What's done is done, relationship stuffies aside, and move on. I say "shut up" everytime I think of the crush, and yeah...the no. of "shut up"s have decreased. Means i think of it less =) [shut up method courtesy of Kristen. its stupid, but cute] My self set 19 year old rule still stands. No dating guys till 19! And I still have my purity ring on. (JONAS influence!!!) Reminds me... Nick Jonas doesn't look like Glenn. Su Xue please please please see the difference. Stop insisting on that.
Ok. Summary of important points in this post? I'm setting the record straight. Wow, that happened. Ok, I went sorta nuts. Fine, I went totally nuts. And well, some people know about it. So, I should forget about it. Rounding off, I should move on. The end.
I know what some ppl are thinking... that i'm just denying, so attention can be diverted. After I got a vicious wake-up call from a kindhearted someone, I've realised I delayed too long. Its not that I want this, but priorities should come straight. Its bigger than "want".
ONE week. That's all i need. I'm going all out american style (ok, only some ppl will understand this slang). Things will be back to the way it should be in one week. No more distraction, no more craziness, no more slack. One week. I'll still like Physics though, can't afford to lose that change. I can do this in one week. I did it 2 days for a record, hell.
Things that came out of this? Er, increased viewership rates for my usually-visited-by-same-few-people blog, two really nice songs and Physics is not that bad. But humanities still rules over sciences.
Reminders, Chiness express O level in around a months time. Time to try score my first A1.
Finally I'm thinking rationally. =)
Cheers... Taylor Swift Rocks Sox! and Obama's dog is cute =X
That's the end of the love story. this ain't a fairytale. i'm not the princess all the time, and i'm ok without a happy ending. there's more to life than that.
Tribute to Rocky the cat who finally rested in peace. At least it doesn't have to suffer from diabetes anymore. Now buried under a cross in the Fletcher's garden. My condolences to Celina and Andrew. But I think they're getting a new cat.
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