Tuesday, April 7, 2009


i love taylor swift to bits and pieces.
Today was great, filled with laughter, esp during the CLVES period where we were talking about sexuality education. Our classmates did something like a mini renactment, of the "good" and "bad" ways of saying no to sex... it had everyone cringing with laughter.

Tmr, unfortunately, is not going to be that good, with a Bio and Chinese test back-to-back. Crap... I can't even get the bio stuff into my head. I just end up staring at the notes and falling asleep. Dang... I'm totally flunking that test.

I need sleep to score for chinese though... see how it goes.

I just borrowed a copy of Rolling Stones mag from the library yesterday. Its the one with taylor swift on the cover. I got home just to find that the section on taylor swift was torn out. =(
Dang... I borrowed the Jonas Brothers one too. Luckily that one was still in tact.
Today was SuXue's birthday... Gave her a birthday present. A pair of earrings, a lollipop and a bdae card. I hope she likes it... I feel quite guilty of not having given her something better. I promised I'd make it up to her soon... :X

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