Thursday, April 9, 2009

JONAS bros 3D


The Jonas Brothers 3D show was soo great!! I loved it... though the 3D effects were pretty limited. My fav was the performance where they sang Taylor Swift's Should've Said No, with Taylor herself. That was soo cool...! Jonas Brother's new song Love is on its way is damn nice... lolx. I'd like to thank Su Xue for making this trip with me to The Cathay especially to accompany me... I mean like she isn't really into the Jonas Brothers, but once she watched the 3D concert, she liked the drummer from the Jonas Brother's band! hahax. His name is John or James Lawless, if I'm not wrong... =)

I expect every Jonas Bros fan in Singapore to go watch it... I mean like, this IS the closest we can get to the Jonas Brothers, isn't it? I still comment on the JB's myspace page every week, like trying to persuade them to come to Singapore... but its kinda useless, coz they receive so many comments on their page, that mine gets drowned out within minutes.

Above is the video of the Jonas Bros new song, love is on its way... someone recorded it directly from the cinema, then kinda subbed the clear soundtrack into the video... it was the best that I could find on You tube... Don't mind the blurriness... If you do, click the HD button on the video... it helps a little.

I'm just inspired to write another song... So that's what I'm gonna do right now...

Love is on its way...



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