I'm addicted to Nick Jonas's new voice. It sounds so so much better than before, and it sounds even more fantastic on the CD itself. One reason to buy the CD. Perfect Quality sound. I'm listening to Fly With Me now... and not regretting buying this CD over Ashley Tisdale's. The songs sound so great, heaps and bounds better than the sandy, cranky versions they have on Youtube.
I think Lines, Vines and Trying times is a good header for what's going on in my life now. Though the Jonas are referring more to like romantic relationships, for me, its more like what's going on with my studies. weird hey... but yeah. I don't have any relationship problems, nor do I have any friendship problems, just a few grudges with that couple of subjects which never ever fail to disappoint me.
Today was hell of a crap. Had a super spicy bowl of Tom Yam Vermicelli (sp?) and now my speakers are blasting music from the Jonas, so I can stop feeling so wilted. It's working, like it always does. Tonight I'll be cooking dinner, and that helps too.
When I saw my Amaths paper one, I felt like as if someone plunged a knife with serrated edges right into my gut and twisted the blade 360 degrees. I could have gotten like 70 or 73 marks outta 80, but due to carelessness, I barely passed. 44 over 80 doesn't sound that great, does it. It sucked, it really sucked damn hell. E.maths and Bio wasn't so bad. But I heard that our class didn't do Chem well, and I doubt i'm one of the double handfuls of As. It would be a miracle to even pass Physics. I totally crapped my Socials paper the other day, so Humanities wouldn't save me this time. I can't do anything but pray now, and work harder next time... right?
Argh... pull yourself together. You can do this. One fall doesn't mean you fall forever. Get up and keep walking. Don't stop. Don't speak.
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