Don't stop... That's the title of the newest song i've written...=) It's about picking yourself up and to keep on moving, even if you fall. And that's exactly what i must do now.
This weekend's going to be like a resting period for me, to catch up on all the missed out sleep, and get some shopping therapy, spent more time with music, and clear my incredulously messy table. Seriously, my table looks like debris from a battle ground of books.
Monday onwards, start working. Not mugging like mad, but take it a step at a time, make sure that I don't stress out, if not everything would only be counter productive. I've completely relinquished all hope on my Physics, which means that I should start focusing on all my other subjects. L1R5. you don't have to ace everything. Work hard, get a good O levels grade, go through JC, get a nice A level grade, go to University somewhere, study Business Marketing and Advertising, and then either straight away try to find such a position in a fashion firm, or maybe go study fashion marketing. build your way up. Don't stop. They're so many things I want to achieve, but lets just start with working hard for O levels first. They might be irrelevant to what you wanna do in the future, but this experience, preparing for it, helps you become stronger, so you CAN achieve your dreams.
I'm still listening to Jonas. Like once I get a new CD, I end up listening to it non-stop for like 2 weeks. That's me=) I slept for like 12 hours, 10 pm to 10 am, but i'm still feeling damn tired. 2 weeks of sleep is really hard to pay off. I haven't told my dad about my Amaths grades yet. I so hope that he won't be disappointed with me. I don't really care about disappointing myself, cause it's something I can get over quickly. I hate to disappoint others who hold high hopes on me. Like Mr Goh... If I don't get an A1 for A maths in Prelim 2, I'll definitely be too ashamed to face him ever again. My friends too, who really believe in me... I love you all, and I don't wanna let any of you down. Prelim2, i'll give it my best shot. i swear.
I won't let you down. ever again. i promise.
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