Sunday, October 31, 2010

had a very interesting email convo with carol today. however, i'm not allowed to reveal anymore ;)

tmr going to tutor chinese at j-co. firstly, i've to make sure that i'm not late, and secondly, i've to ensure that i will focus 100% tmr. it's chinese A levels on monday, and i can't believe that i'm not at all panicking, or even feeling concerned. i think i'll panick tmr though... haha. i will wake up early to study chinese!! i'm more worried abt OP then Chinese really... i think i'll confirm get a B for chinese. =(

i want taylor swift's new album! argh... today went to borders and That CD shop, and didn't find it. turns out only parkway borders has it. haha.

OKAY. SLEEP. i promised to. =x

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