Monday, October 25, 2010

Yay, the conference finally ended today. It was a good day. Especially at the animal shelter... I bonded especially with this dog named Limpy, and this cat, whose name i've yet to ask. Jasmine and I both want to organise another trip back down to the Mutts and Mittens shelter, so we can visit the animals again. I wish I could adopt one, but i don't think i have the responsibility to take care of it. =x

Argh, it's late, i'm tired. and the effects of that mug of coke i drank just now is starting to wear off. ahh! just nice. Kahay finished printing the WR. Time to SLEEP.

hehs, somehow i wish i could snuggle up next to him and sleep tonight.

when you and i collide. =)

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