Thursday, October 14, 2010

Now i know why girls have such high expectations of guys. Blame it on people like Lee Min Ho who paint the picture of perfect boyfriends in their dramas. hahaha! I think i'm getting influenced to. Now i'm wishing that my guy would just grab me by surprise and kiss me. and follow up with some mushy statement. HAHA. (this is a very big hint!!!) ooops. i think i said too much =X

haha. sigh. tmr is the start of PW and the what nots. time to become serious again. and i must start mugging chinese... and do that assessment book. If not i would have bought it for nothing.

I suddenly realise I've nothing to blog about. haha... erm, i bought a jacket for 10 bucks today. it's quite nice looking. makes my shoulders look wider, so i don't look so thin. Erm. what else... I met Cheng Hui for lunch. Haha, we had a nice short chat. It's nice to see her =) She said i looked sorta troubled today. I guess it's cause i'm tired. I came home, did a bit of PW, and crashed. for like 3 hours. or more. =x I can't really remember. But I just blacked out.

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