Wednesday, October 6, 2010

每次我總 一個人走交叉路口 自己生活這次你卻說帶我走 某個角落 就你和我

每次我總獨自遠走保持沉默 不皺眉頭這次你卻說一起走

Finally, the most feared Geography Paper is OVER. I'm so so so SO relieved. I think i'm going to pass. So i should be fine. =X

I'm really tired now. i feel like collapsing. haha, but i decided i should blog a little. These few days have been crazy. I've laughed, and cryed, punched my fists against the wall, and dug my nails into my skin. I've tried to pretend to be nonchalent, and then I really was. But i couldn't hold it in in the end. But it's all come to this. The journey's halfway done, I'm seeing the light. Just hold on a little more. And it'll all be over. Hopefully, all this would not have come to naught.

And to one person. thank you for holding my hand through it all.

Sometimes i wish i could take a long break. and just runaway. not alone of course. never alone.

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