Friday, October 8, 2010

i like the way he smiles
the way he looks at me, and sees me inside out.
the way he ignores the flaws, and sees them as perfection.
the way he talks about our future.
the way he holds me together when i'm breaking apart.
the way he tells me i'm the one and only.

i've never been happier to be the only one.

I've finally wrote a song, from since how long. Haha, this one's personal =) and now my fingers are sore, but i'm getting my guitar fingertips back!

two more papers left. chinese and econs essay paper. somehow i feel like i'm getting complacent. =x must strive on. I rested for today. tmr onwards is full power charge again. i will make it through promos!!

I can't wait till Taylor Swift's new album "Speak Now" comes out on Oct. 25 =) It's super cool, just the first two songs released, Speak Now and Mine, have got me hooked. I need to shop too, i need new dresses. lols. and shoes. and a handbag. retail therapy deprived.

okay. gotta go crash now. i'm dying to sleep.

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