Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Godd. I'm sick. I hate it... but just have to hang in. If i'm gonna collapse, i only can do so after OP... Listening to Taylor Swift non-stop now, but my ears are hurting. Haha, stupid ear infection. Argh... My head feels like it's gonna be squashed from the inside. Horrid. Taylor Swift's new album rocks =) Addicted... again =)

Can't wait till after OP though, haha, we can go play! Kenny was texting me about having a class outing to the zoo. Haha! Cool, like I haven't been to the zoo for ages. really, ages.

ahhh... it'll 11pm. shucks... i need to sleep soon. but my dear's still working on PW. I feel kinda bad if i just slept and not stick up with him through the night. We're gonna have lunch tmr! Jumping for joy. haha... I guess it's because we haven't been spending much time with each other lately. Again, PW interrupts interpersonal relationships. Interrupts. Not destroys.

I guess I need to sleep now. I really can't take it no more. Oh, I napped for like 3 hours this afternoon. Damn funny... I totally blacked out. And I woke up, thinking I didn't sleep at all. Until I looked at the time. Haha!

I'm going to sleep again. I hope I black out again. Hmm... i don't mind dreaming either, if the dream's a cool one =) Oops, i forgot, gotta pack bag and brush up first.

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