Saturday, November 27, 2010

Aigoo. haha. i don't know what's wrong with me recently. People agitate me very very VERY easily. I really wish i could drive a car. Then i can scream in the car, while driving the highway.

So far, there has only been one person that can turn my bad mood around. I don't think i need to spell out explicitly who he is right. LOL. Sometimes my family members can make me feel like such a useless bitch. It's not like i'm not doing my best already. You can't blame me for being a greenhorn around normal household issues. I'm trying, i really am. Why can't they just see it. Rather that see it like i can't do it because i don't wanna learn. Well, heck it. If you keep criticizing me for not doing a perfect job, of course i don't wanna learn. Who wants to hear comments about themselves not being to do anything right for the entire day? God i'm so sick of this. I rather i be back in school again. At least i get the recognition for trying hard there.

Or i'd rather be with my dear also. He never makes me feel like i'm useless. That's for sure. I think without him, i would've run away already. I won't mind doing all the housework in the whole world for him. Cause even if i don't do a perfect job, i know he'll appreciate my effort. and that makes me wanna do even more, and even better for him.

My mom's the only one who doesn't make me feel like a empty vessel. But she's too soft spoken to speak up to anyone. even if it means speaking up for me.

I don't know what else to say now. really.

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