Friday, November 5, 2010

hehs, PW meeting got cancelled today. =X

i slept with his jacket last night. I napped for like 5 hours initially. I think i was having a fever... the jacket somehow made me feel better. So i woke up at 10pm for dinner, chatted with him a bit, watched some korean videos, and then when back to sleep at around 12.45am. with the jacket again. haha.

Sometimes i wish i could just wear the jacket around the house. And show off dancing around. hahaha. and openly brag to my family about how great he is. and how lucky i am. not now i guess... but, soon? maybe.

i think my grandma really likes him. haha... today when i was talking to her, she said that she would miss HIM when i would go overseas. hahaha... i laughed at that one. she stared down at the jacket, and said she wanted to live as long to see me get married. haha, i don't really know if she meant what i think she meant, but i held on to that beautiful thought.'

i guess i'll just relax for today, so i'll have energy for intensive PW tmr. prolly dance around the kitchen and whip up some noodles instead. haha. =)

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