Sunday, January 17, 2010

Yesterday night, I was enjoying a sumptous buffet dinner, with the majority of 4H. I counted, and I ate about 7 plates in total. Haha. I love it that I can eat all I want and never get fat. =) At first, I was tucking in to a plate full of meat, with some broccoli, and I was feeling really guilty about that, because 5-6 stalks of veggie is definitely not enough to balance out the whallop of chicken, mutton, and what nots I've got. Thankfully, I got around to the salad section during my 3rd or 4th round. Salad is delicious... I don't get why many people don't like to eat raw lettuce, but i'm loving every crunch of it. Oh, and the Black Forest cake there was totally delish... I had double servings of that. I didn't dare to try the sushi though, it didn't look fresh to me. I kinda wished Calista was there to join us. Bottom line? It was a great dinner, and supposedly the last class gathering before we re-enter schooling life. I hope we do have more class gatherings in the future. =)

I rushed home after the dinner last night, to send my dad off. He's currently away on a business trip in Australia. After that, I ate more. LOLs. Well, half a packet of prawn crackers and a slice of brownie isn't that much, is it?? I managed to catch the last bit of Star Wars, and we kept changing channels, cause my mom wanted to watch this weird Taiwanese ghost movie. Seriously I thought that the ghost movie is one of the least scariest I've ever seen. Ok, it wasn't scary at all. The scenes where they showed the ghost were so cheaply made, with about no attempt at making the ghost look like one. The "ghost" was just a child dressed in white with 2 braids, and a red blindfold on. So, while the "ghost" was walking, the camera man simply shook the camera violently, making the image blurry. Like cummon, anyone could do that! And the scriptwriter or director forgot to tally up the entire story. At the end of the movie, we found out that the "ghost" that was killing everyone (yes, she revealed herself) was a woman in a bright flowery dress. So who's the child with the red blindfold??? Star wars was far more rewarding. Haha, Harrison Ford looked super young then. Personally, my favourite Jedi is Anakin Skywalker. Why? Because I'm a fan of Hayden Christensen. Speaking of him, I hope they have a sequel for the movie Jumper. I really liked that one.

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