GREAT. Simply GREAT. I just found out that the NYJC debate no longer exists. What the hell? I'm going to try and find at least 2 ppl who will at least go to MIDCs with me this year. Like I really want to go! If even YJC's debate team can still survive, how come NY's can't. Stupid. It's history repeating itself. Just like CCHY. I will never forget the pains we went through to finally get a complete team that was passionate and wholehearted for debate. I still want to join this year's World Scholar's Cup in Shanghai. I'm guessing now that that will never come true.
Now, what CCA will I join? I have no idea. I still want to be involved in debate, one way or another though. Even if it means drafting out cases all by myself. It's exactly the same as GP anyways, so why not... But i still am pissed.
Today was a not so bad day, I was supposed to meet Su Xue in the morning at Starbucks, but I got too tired from yesterday's orientation, so I stayed home instead. Slept, ate, watched Rachael Ray and learned a new recipe, and the rest of my day was spent reading Econs. I have the World Scholar's Cup's Econs stuff, and although its the tip of the iceberg of what we are going to touch on in A levels, but at least it's fun to read. Imagine your textbook describing Marginal Utility and satisfaction level in utils using an example of a runner eating Waffles. Haha.... You must think I'm crazy, studying right now, but I really can't wait to start class (for the first time in my entire life, i'm actually getting this feeling). Orientation just makes me desire classes more. I still don't dare to start on Maths though, it looks super scary.
Kick starting my reading to gear up for GP. =)) But I'll try to play hard tomorrow, and enjoy time with my guitar.
I'm totally out of my freaking mind.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
New school. new life??
Orientation is so so tiring. We went to Sentosa for Day 2 of Orientation today.... MY GOD. I got slightly sunburned on my face, so I look like I've put on blusher full-time. My arms and legs got a super tan. Great, all that effort spent during the holidays to get out of the sun to lighten skin tone totally washed down the drain. Argh!! Well, there is a good side, my hair is browner now, thanks to the sun, and all the walking toned my leg muscles a bit. I still hate the tan though. To be frank, I'd rather be sitting in a classroom, listening to the teacher talk non-stop. At least that is not as draining as running all over Sentosa.
NYJC so far is great though. I just wished the Orientation were a few days shorter. The people here are pretty friendly and welcoming, I like their uniform, and it's not so far away from home. I totally don't regret not choosing ACJC now. Cheng Hui told me a lot of stuff about how strict ACJC is, and the stress level there is like... I cannot take stress, my physical being will break down. And the strictness of ACJC is just too much for me.
Oh, and BREAKING NEWS. Anyone wants to know where Pu Yu went?? YJC. Su Xue saw her there on the first day. But she disappeared for Day 2. Expected eh? I really hope she does pull herself together though. She can't go on like that...
Ok, I'm too drained to blog anymore. That little ounce of energy left in me has since been scared out my mind after looking at the H2 maths book. I'm so dead. literarily.
Good Luck to everyone, for the starting of a new chapter in life with pre-u education; whether poly or JC. It may be tougher, it may be different, it may demand much more from us than anything before, it may be a struggle before success, but you all have the potential to overcome it. All the best =))
NYJC so far is great though. I just wished the Orientation were a few days shorter. The people here are pretty friendly and welcoming, I like their uniform, and it's not so far away from home. I totally don't regret not choosing ACJC now. Cheng Hui told me a lot of stuff about how strict ACJC is, and the stress level there is like... I cannot take stress, my physical being will break down. And the strictness of ACJC is just too much for me.
Oh, and BREAKING NEWS. Anyone wants to know where Pu Yu went?? YJC. Su Xue saw her there on the first day. But she disappeared for Day 2. Expected eh? I really hope she does pull herself together though. She can't go on like that...
Ok, I'm too drained to blog anymore. That little ounce of energy left in me has since been scared out my mind after looking at the H2 maths book. I'm so dead. literarily.
Good Luck to everyone, for the starting of a new chapter in life with pre-u education; whether poly or JC. It may be tougher, it may be different, it may demand much more from us than anything before, it may be a struggle before success, but you all have the potential to overcome it. All the best =))
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
it's coming to an end

the beautiful and delish brownie cupcakes i made yesterday...
OMG. Thursday just seems more and more like a dark menancing cloud saying 'enjoyment is over, it's time to return to the stress life.' Eeewww. Well, weather forcast says sunny and cloudy skies for today, so lets not let the thundercloud spoil the view for today.
I met Su xue for breakfast today, at a freaking 7.40 am. Haha, ya I know, we miss each other like crazy, hence the crazy timing. And we just sat there and talked non-stop, until like 11.15 am. There was a lot of catching up to do. I wish Calista was there. We tried to call her, to ask if we could meet up tmr, but she's not able to make it. I wonder how long it will be before we reunite.
Well, once I got home, I started summing up what I've accomplished so far during this holiday break. Here's the list
1. Learned how to play guitar chords in 2 weeks, started playing songs by the 3rd. Now working on finger picking.
2. Learned how to read and write Korean, currently working on vocab and grammar.
3. Cleared up study room, threw away more than 5 A4 paper boxes full of stuff.
4. Devised system to manage finances.
5. Devised system for self-organisation (time management and prioritisation)
6. Learned how to Bake
7. Learned how to cook some American dishes.
8. Learned how to cook some Italian dishes.
9. Created a new fashion collague (that is proudly my wall deco in my study corner)
10. Brushed up on sketching and rendering skills, picked up new rendering techniques
11. Finally found my paint set and got on to create several art pieces.
12. Wrote 3 new songs on my guitar.
13. Completed research on potential Universities and Degrees that I would possibly take, plus tuition fees, pre-requisites, Degrees course content and potential careers.
14. Learned new makeup techniques (that i only use on other people. lols. I prefer to go without makeup)
15. Found time to visit all the new shopping malls in Orchard.
There are other things that I've done, like debate training: doing up the notes with Cheng hui and teaching, Travelling (a lot), reading up on Econs, Psychology and crime novels; and exercising more but the above 15 are the stuff that i've always wanted to do. I feel like I really have done a good job living my life this holiday, and I don't want to stop here. I don't want Thursday onwards to become a reason for my life to snap back into boring monotonity.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Hope for Haiti.
Hope for Haiti. It's devastating to hear the stories that come out of the disaster, rubble and chaos that hovers Haiti right now. Taylor Swift was on the Hope for Haiti concert, together with many others. If you want to donate, go to the hope for Haiti website, and they'll show you how.
Let's help pray for something better to befall.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Argh. Time flies too fast when I'm having fun. Just THREE freaking more days to college. Argh. I wish I could have another few more days.
I'm going to make this short, since I've to wake up real early tomorrow (I've been waking up at like nine or ten plus, and if this goes on, i'll never wake up on the day of school itself, so better start adjusting that body clock!!!). I'm going to treasure every second of the next 3 days that I have left. It's going to be the only time left when I can play hard without worries, I don't think I'll get any other holiday like this till after A levels. This is crazy. The stuff I've been doing lately. For once in my life, I really feel like I'm living to my fullest, like there's no tomorrow. I'm living FEARLESS. Yahoo =) I know that all of this, or at least most, will be sucked out of me, leaving behind a huge vacuum, once college life and the pressure steps in. I'll try my best to prevent that, but there's still a limit to how much I can actually do.
Tuesday I'm going to meet Su Xue like FINALLY. (Keep on thinking it's tmr...) I miss her like crazy. It's been too long since I've last saw her. (Observant ones would realise that she didn't turn up for results collections.) Hopefully I can catch up with both Su Xue and Calista one of these 3 days, before we're all forced to go our seperate ways. =( I did some painting yesterday, so it's time to decorate my home with my newer art pieces. The current ones have been there since the start of 2008, and it's time for a fresher look. Can't find my good paintbrushes though, wonder where they went. Only left with a bunch of slightly frayed ones. Still workable, but not as good. What the heck, i'm going to get some new ones soon.
Taylor Swift has a new song, "today was a fairytale" from the Valentine's day Soundtrack. Seems like Youtube is taking down all the videos with the full song, because it's not slated for release yet, ya know, copyright stuffies. But it's a good song. As of all of her songs. =) and I recently realized that her songs are mostly played with the same 4 guitar chords.
So much for "short post"...
I'm going to make this short, since I've to wake up real early tomorrow (I've been waking up at like nine or ten plus, and if this goes on, i'll never wake up on the day of school itself, so better start adjusting that body clock!!!). I'm going to treasure every second of the next 3 days that I have left. It's going to be the only time left when I can play hard without worries, I don't think I'll get any other holiday like this till after A levels. This is crazy. The stuff I've been doing lately. For once in my life, I really feel like I'm living to my fullest, like there's no tomorrow. I'm living FEARLESS. Yahoo =) I know that all of this, or at least most, will be sucked out of me, leaving behind a huge vacuum, once college life and the pressure steps in. I'll try my best to prevent that, but there's still a limit to how much I can actually do.
Tuesday I'm going to meet Su Xue like FINALLY. (Keep on thinking it's tmr...) I miss her like crazy. It's been too long since I've last saw her. (Observant ones would realise that she didn't turn up for results collections.) Hopefully I can catch up with both Su Xue and Calista one of these 3 days, before we're all forced to go our seperate ways. =( I did some painting yesterday, so it's time to decorate my home with my newer art pieces. The current ones have been there since the start of 2008, and it's time for a fresher look. Can't find my good paintbrushes though, wonder where they went. Only left with a bunch of slightly frayed ones. Still workable, but not as good. What the heck, i'm going to get some new ones soon.
Taylor Swift has a new song, "today was a fairytale" from the Valentine's day Soundtrack. Seems like Youtube is taking down all the videos with the full song, because it's not slated for release yet, ya know, copyright stuffies. But it's a good song. As of all of her songs. =) and I recently realized that her songs are mostly played with the same 4 guitar chords.
So much for "short post"...
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I've finally finished reading the library book that's due today. Actually, I borrowed 3 books, but I just started and finished one book, today. I shouldn't have borrowed such thick books anyway...
Okay, Wednesday's it. Posting results. I'm so not excited, because I already know where I'll most likely end up, but I'm kinda nervous plus excited about the new environment and all. Although loads of CCHY people are going to end up in NYJC, I don't think many are going to the Arts stream like I am. In fact, I know of none, to be honest.
My new year's resolution is try hard to retain my life and not be consumed by studying. But the catch is that I've to get good grades at the same time. Doesn't sound easy, but I'm still going to try. At least if I walk into school with that kind of mentality, college life doesn't seem so monstrous and creepy anymore. I've been brushing up a lot on my sketching and paintings lately, it's great to be able to sit in front of a desk and know that you have no time constrains whatsoever to complete anything. That's the best condition for working up pieces of art.
Yet again, my guitar strings have tore skin off my fingers. I wish that would stop happening, so I wouldn't have to delay practicing.
I wish Grandma would just quit rearranging my stuff and throwing them away without asking. I'm kind of a Obsessive Compulsive, and I completely cannot tolerate if things are out of the order that I want it to be. Sometimes I wish I could get this giant box with a heavy duty lock, and put all my stuff in there, where it would be like untouchable. Then again, granny might just end up throwing away the key.
Okay, Wednesday's it. Posting results. I'm so not excited, because I already know where I'll most likely end up, but I'm kinda nervous plus excited about the new environment and all. Although loads of CCHY people are going to end up in NYJC, I don't think many are going to the Arts stream like I am. In fact, I know of none, to be honest.
My new year's resolution is try hard to retain my life and not be consumed by studying. But the catch is that I've to get good grades at the same time. Doesn't sound easy, but I'm still going to try. At least if I walk into school with that kind of mentality, college life doesn't seem so monstrous and creepy anymore. I've been brushing up a lot on my sketching and paintings lately, it's great to be able to sit in front of a desk and know that you have no time constrains whatsoever to complete anything. That's the best condition for working up pieces of art.
Yet again, my guitar strings have tore skin off my fingers. I wish that would stop happening, so I wouldn't have to delay practicing.
I wish Grandma would just quit rearranging my stuff and throwing them away without asking. I'm kind of a Obsessive Compulsive, and I completely cannot tolerate if things are out of the order that I want it to be. Sometimes I wish I could get this giant box with a heavy duty lock, and put all my stuff in there, where it would be like untouchable. Then again, granny might just end up throwing away the key.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I'm trying really really hard to maximise the time I have left from my holidays. I've got a sore throat and a runny nose, so I really hope that I don't catch the flu.
I feel like cooking dinner again. haha. I'm like super addicted to cooking now. It's especially fun when you get to experiment with different stuff and result in that delish tangy flavour. Simply the best reward, and what's even better is that it fills up your tummy. Going to cook Japanese for lunch today, I've got some Udon and miso paste lying around in the fridge, and it's probably time for them to serve their purpose this afternoon. I'm not going to write much today; haven't been in the best of mood lately, so I wouldn't want to dampen yours either.
Ok, off to cooking lunch =)
I feel like cooking dinner again. haha. I'm like super addicted to cooking now. It's especially fun when you get to experiment with different stuff and result in that delish tangy flavour. Simply the best reward, and what's even better is that it fills up your tummy. Going to cook Japanese for lunch today, I've got some Udon and miso paste lying around in the fridge, and it's probably time for them to serve their purpose this afternoon. I'm not going to write much today; haven't been in the best of mood lately, so I wouldn't want to dampen yours either.
Ok, off to cooking lunch =)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Yay! I finally have Veron's Blog's link. I've been missing her blog for every single day since she'd changed the url. =D
I'm dead tired from today. I travelled to the CC today to get my edusave scholarship cheque, and then back home, cooked lunch, read a little bit of Economics, dozed off and then walked all the way to school for Debate coaching, next rushed all the way home for dinner and Korean Drama, and then started chatting on the computer with my Dad. I hope tomorrow will be more productive. Especially since I haven't touched my guitar in almost a week. Just have been running around too much lately. My head is again spinning from lack of blood glucose.
Feeling like my life is about to end. There's like 9 days before the posting results are going to be released, which means 9 days before my life is taken away from me again, by this new Monster at the end of the JC road called the A Levels. Haha, I sound so sarcastic... But I seriously am dreading the start of school. If I were to really to make a decision on where to go based totally on what my heart tells me, I would go to a Polytechnic. I hate to face all these crap exams again, and have to go through the stage where people judge you based on your grade. I want to study Business, like NOW, and Poly is the closest thing that I have right now. But, for higher chances in entering a JC, and escaping overseas in 2 years instead of 3, I chose the JC route. And also because that's what everybody wants me to do, it's what my family and some other people expect of me. Sometimes I feel stupid in making such a choice. And now's one of the times. But there's nothing I can do about it now, can I? I just have to give up 2 years of my youth to incessant stuff in books, half of which I'm pretty sure I'm never going to use in life.
Maybe I'm having a emo moment. Maybe it's just my lack of blood glucose so my brain's not working properly. Ewww... Mom just served me some pear. I don't really have the feel for eating pear at this moment.
I just read the last sentence, and my heart just goes out to her. I'm one of her closest friends, but yet I hesitate about asking about that topic, because I'm afraid that she'll just feel sad by thinking about it. I completely understand how she feels. Sometimes I even feel like I'm in the same deposition. But, I don't know how to reach out to her without making her feel unhappy. Maybe I'll just let her know that it's ok to feel this way, and if she needs to cry, she could. And that her friends will always be there.
I'm dead tired from today. I travelled to the CC today to get my edusave scholarship cheque, and then back home, cooked lunch, read a little bit of Economics, dozed off and then walked all the way to school for Debate coaching, next rushed all the way home for dinner and Korean Drama, and then started chatting on the computer with my Dad. I hope tomorrow will be more productive. Especially since I haven't touched my guitar in almost a week. Just have been running around too much lately. My head is again spinning from lack of blood glucose.
Feeling like my life is about to end. There's like 9 days before the posting results are going to be released, which means 9 days before my life is taken away from me again, by this new Monster at the end of the JC road called the A Levels. Haha, I sound so sarcastic... But I seriously am dreading the start of school. If I were to really to make a decision on where to go based totally on what my heart tells me, I would go to a Polytechnic. I hate to face all these crap exams again, and have to go through the stage where people judge you based on your grade. I want to study Business, like NOW, and Poly is the closest thing that I have right now. But, for higher chances in entering a JC, and escaping overseas in 2 years instead of 3, I chose the JC route. And also because that's what everybody wants me to do, it's what my family and some other people expect of me. Sometimes I feel stupid in making such a choice. And now's one of the times. But there's nothing I can do about it now, can I? I just have to give up 2 years of my youth to incessant stuff in books, half of which I'm pretty sure I'm never going to use in life.
Maybe I'm having a emo moment. Maybe it's just my lack of blood glucose so my brain's not working properly. Ewww... Mom just served me some pear. I don't really have the feel for eating pear at this moment.
I just read the last sentence, and my heart just goes out to her. I'm one of her closest friends, but yet I hesitate about asking about that topic, because I'm afraid that she'll just feel sad by thinking about it. I completely understand how she feels. Sometimes I even feel like I'm in the same deposition. But, I don't know how to reach out to her without making her feel unhappy. Maybe I'll just let her know that it's ok to feel this way, and if she needs to cry, she could. And that her friends will always be there.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Yesterday night, I was enjoying a sumptous buffet dinner, with the majority of 4H. I counted, and I ate about 7 plates in total. Haha. I love it that I can eat all I want and never get fat. =) At first, I was tucking in to a plate full of meat, with some broccoli, and I was feeling really guilty about that, because 5-6 stalks of veggie is definitely not enough to balance out the whallop of chicken, mutton, and what nots I've got. Thankfully, I got around to the salad section during my 3rd or 4th round. Salad is delicious... I don't get why many people don't like to eat raw lettuce, but i'm loving every crunch of it. Oh, and the Black Forest cake there was totally delish... I had double servings of that. I didn't dare to try the sushi though, it didn't look fresh to me. I kinda wished Calista was there to join us. Bottom line? It was a great dinner, and supposedly the last class gathering before we re-enter schooling life. I hope we do have more class gatherings in the future. =)
I rushed home after the dinner last night, to send my dad off. He's currently away on a business trip in Australia. After that, I ate more. LOLs. Well, half a packet of prawn crackers and a slice of brownie isn't that much, is it?? I managed to catch the last bit of Star Wars, and we kept changing channels, cause my mom wanted to watch this weird Taiwanese ghost movie. Seriously I thought that the ghost movie is one of the least scariest I've ever seen. Ok, it wasn't scary at all. The scenes where they showed the ghost were so cheaply made, with about no attempt at making the ghost look like one. The "ghost" was just a child dressed in white with 2 braids, and a red blindfold on. So, while the "ghost" was walking, the camera man simply shook the camera violently, making the image blurry. Like cummon, anyone could do that! And the scriptwriter or director forgot to tally up the entire story. At the end of the movie, we found out that the "ghost" that was killing everyone (yes, she revealed herself) was a woman in a bright flowery dress. So who's the child with the red blindfold??? Star wars was far more rewarding. Haha, Harrison Ford looked super young then. Personally, my favourite Jedi is Anakin Skywalker. Why? Because I'm a fan of Hayden Christensen. Speaking of him, I hope they have a sequel for the movie Jumper. I really liked that one.
I rushed home after the dinner last night, to send my dad off. He's currently away on a business trip in Australia. After that, I ate more. LOLs. Well, half a packet of prawn crackers and a slice of brownie isn't that much, is it?? I managed to catch the last bit of Star Wars, and we kept changing channels, cause my mom wanted to watch this weird Taiwanese ghost movie. Seriously I thought that the ghost movie is one of the least scariest I've ever seen. Ok, it wasn't scary at all. The scenes where they showed the ghost were so cheaply made, with about no attempt at making the ghost look like one. The "ghost" was just a child dressed in white with 2 braids, and a red blindfold on. So, while the "ghost" was walking, the camera man simply shook the camera violently, making the image blurry. Like cummon, anyone could do that! And the scriptwriter or director forgot to tally up the entire story. At the end of the movie, we found out that the "ghost" that was killing everyone (yes, she revealed herself) was a woman in a bright flowery dress. So who's the child with the red blindfold??? Star wars was far more rewarding. Haha, Harrison Ford looked super young then. Personally, my favourite Jedi is Anakin Skywalker. Why? Because I'm a fan of Hayden Christensen. Speaking of him, I hope they have a sequel for the movie Jumper. I really liked that one.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Yes, I've made my choice. I'll be going to Nanyang JC. I'm just going to confirm my choice with my friends and family, to make sure that I'm doing the right thing.
Nick told me something that stayed in my head for the entire night. He told me that "sometimes the good things, the rare chances, the things people perceive to be a better option... sometimes these seemingly better things aren't what best for you. Sometimes the sacrifices made to attain these good things, are worth much more than the good thing itself." I've been weighing it up for the entire night, and Nanyang seems a much better choice. I already have a weak health, and the pressure, the new environment, the tiring journeys back and forth, they might pull me down mentally and physically. If that is so, I wouldn't be able to concentrate on studying as much as I would want to. And I always feel that I'm not doing good enough if everyone else around me is so much better... because of this, I will neglect the fact that the people in AC are much more academically inclined that I am, and I would try so hard to be as good as they are, that's too much pressure. I don't think I can take that. I don't think that environment would aid me in living my life like I want to. I don't think that ACJC, although it is a better school, is the BEST for ME.
It seems like there are signs all over the place guiding me away from ACJC. I was watching the Oprah Winfrey show, and they were talking about spirituality, and how to fulfil your purpose in life and deal with crossroads and situations when you feel like everything is falling apart. One thing I learned from the show is that I need to learn how to accept, instead of resist. All along I have been resisting A levels, exams and stuff. I always had this mentality that I'm being forced into JC education, forced to make a choice. But I should start to accept that this is the path that is laid before me, and I have to take it. I may not be able to choose the path that I'm walking on, but I can choose the way that I want go along this journey. And I will choose it based on what I think is best for me, makes me happier, and allows me space to continue being who I am. The second thing I learnt is to let go. I know that ACJC provides a lot of opportunities. To meet better people, maybe better teachers, provide good networking and an excellent (the best even) platform for debate. But all these at the expense of what, my health, my time, emotional balance, my life? No. The opportunity cost is too high. I need to let go of these opportunities in order to protect what I value.
Then I went to check my email, and Marisol had sent me a youtube video of this song named "One Day". She actually just sent me the video cause you could see how the guy played the guitar while employing a muting technique (I wanted to learn that technique). Now, this song was on the soundtrack of movie called Post Grad, which I had watched on a plane before. I suddenly remembered that the girl in the movie had just graduated and had this superb job opportunity that she had always dreamed of. She pounced at the chance at first, but after that, realised that the job came at the expense of her relationships with her family and boyfriend. So, she quit her job to be with the people she loved. She let go of her dream job to protect her relationship with her loved ones, and although she quit her job, she did it because it was what that was best for her.
I guess I really wrote a lot in this post... Haha. Thank you for bearing with my crazy thoughts until this point... Probably some people are in a similar dilemma as I am, so hopefully this helps you as well.
Thanks Nick, for always being there, although you're a world away in another country. You really know me better than I know myself, do you...? Haha.
Nick told me something that stayed in my head for the entire night. He told me that "sometimes the good things, the rare chances, the things people perceive to be a better option... sometimes these seemingly better things aren't what best for you. Sometimes the sacrifices made to attain these good things, are worth much more than the good thing itself." I've been weighing it up for the entire night, and Nanyang seems a much better choice. I already have a weak health, and the pressure, the new environment, the tiring journeys back and forth, they might pull me down mentally and physically. If that is so, I wouldn't be able to concentrate on studying as much as I would want to. And I always feel that I'm not doing good enough if everyone else around me is so much better... because of this, I will neglect the fact that the people in AC are much more academically inclined that I am, and I would try so hard to be as good as they are, that's too much pressure. I don't think I can take that. I don't think that environment would aid me in living my life like I want to. I don't think that ACJC, although it is a better school, is the BEST for ME.
It seems like there are signs all over the place guiding me away from ACJC. I was watching the Oprah Winfrey show, and they were talking about spirituality, and how to fulfil your purpose in life and deal with crossroads and situations when you feel like everything is falling apart. One thing I learned from the show is that I need to learn how to accept, instead of resist. All along I have been resisting A levels, exams and stuff. I always had this mentality that I'm being forced into JC education, forced to make a choice. But I should start to accept that this is the path that is laid before me, and I have to take it. I may not be able to choose the path that I'm walking on, but I can choose the way that I want go along this journey. And I will choose it based on what I think is best for me, makes me happier, and allows me space to continue being who I am. The second thing I learnt is to let go. I know that ACJC provides a lot of opportunities. To meet better people, maybe better teachers, provide good networking and an excellent (the best even) platform for debate. But all these at the expense of what, my health, my time, emotional balance, my life? No. The opportunity cost is too high. I need to let go of these opportunities in order to protect what I value.
Then I went to check my email, and Marisol had sent me a youtube video of this song named "One Day". She actually just sent me the video cause you could see how the guy played the guitar while employing a muting technique (I wanted to learn that technique). Now, this song was on the soundtrack of movie called Post Grad, which I had watched on a plane before. I suddenly remembered that the girl in the movie had just graduated and had this superb job opportunity that she had always dreamed of. She pounced at the chance at first, but after that, realised that the job came at the expense of her relationships with her family and boyfriend. So, she quit her job to be with the people she loved. She let go of her dream job to protect her relationship with her loved ones, and although she quit her job, she did it because it was what that was best for her.
I guess I really wrote a lot in this post... Haha. Thank you for bearing with my crazy thoughts until this point... Probably some people are in a similar dilemma as I am, so hopefully this helps you as well.
Thanks Nick, for always being there, although you're a world away in another country. You really know me better than I know myself, do you...? Haha.
I am feeling so lost, confused and I'm getting very fustrated with myself. I can't decide between ACJC and NYJC.
I know it's a stupid question. Like I should put ACJC in the first choice, and NYJC on the 2nd choice. Since I just meet the cut-off point for ACJC arts stream, there is slim chance of me getting in. So, I would then automatically be in NYJC. But I'm worried about going to ACJC.
First and foremost, Distance. It takes more than an hour from my place to ACJC by public transport. An hour and a half, to be exact. My health's not superb and I'm afraid that accumulated tiredness could result in a lot of negatives. Second, if I go to ACJC, there ought to be a ton of people that are way better than me. Meaning, I would be one of the bottom half in the school. Would I crumble and breakdown under this overwhelming competition and pressure to do as well as the rest? I place high expectations and stress on myself to perform well, and i'm afraid that the stress that I'm putting on myself because of the environment I'm in would kill me. Third, would I fit into the ACJC crowd? I'm not really worried about this point, but it is something to consider. Fourth, if I put ACJC in the first choice... I would lose my NYJC affiliation points.
Now, my reservations about NYJC... Their niche subjects are not those that I want to excel in. NYJC is good in the Chinese-related stuff, but just average in stuff like Econs, math and geog, the stuff I wanna take -- and of course get good grades for. But those aren't NYJC's niche subjects. It's ACJC's niche. Second, NYJC's debate team really is er, not very good. So, basically I'm worried for my testimonials. I heard that testimonials are important in Uni, if you wanna apply for a scholarship. Third, (this is a really stupid point) there are too many CCHY people in NYJC. I would prefer an environment with new people. But actually I don't really mind CCHY people also. Argh, what am I talking.
My parents have come to the conclusion that I should go to NYJC, because they are afraid of the pressure that I would face in ACJC, and the distance. My mom works around the vicinity, and she says it's a torture for her to travel to work alone. I called upon my guardian angels also... I asked Cheng Hui, she didn't give me a clear explicit answer like "you should go to this school", but she helped me in evaluating the choices I had in hand. I got a clearer picture of things, but I still can't make a choice. I called Nick, definitely, he didn't have a answer for me, but I could tell that he was dropping hints all over the place that I should go to Nanyang JC, because it would be a lot more easier on me. It seems like all the people who I think know me better than I know myself believe that I cannot take the pressure in ACJC. Well, I'm going to ask a few more people, before making a final decision. It's strange, after writing so much, I suddenly realise that maybe NYJC is a better choice after all. But it still feels like a pity to put ACJC on the 2nd choice. ARGH.
I feel really sad that I won't be in the same school with my best friends next year. Cheng Hui is bent on going to ACJC, Su Xue maybe YJC or a poly, Calista going to poly. I still have Lihao, that is, if she decided to go to NYJC, and I do too, and I don't know who else, cause apparently I haven't gone around asking.
I know it's a stupid question. Like I should put ACJC in the first choice, and NYJC on the 2nd choice. Since I just meet the cut-off point for ACJC arts stream, there is slim chance of me getting in. So, I would then automatically be in NYJC. But I'm worried about going to ACJC.
First and foremost, Distance. It takes more than an hour from my place to ACJC by public transport. An hour and a half, to be exact. My health's not superb and I'm afraid that accumulated tiredness could result in a lot of negatives. Second, if I go to ACJC, there ought to be a ton of people that are way better than me. Meaning, I would be one of the bottom half in the school. Would I crumble and breakdown under this overwhelming competition and pressure to do as well as the rest? I place high expectations and stress on myself to perform well, and i'm afraid that the stress that I'm putting on myself because of the environment I'm in would kill me. Third, would I fit into the ACJC crowd? I'm not really worried about this point, but it is something to consider. Fourth, if I put ACJC in the first choice... I would lose my NYJC affiliation points.
Now, my reservations about NYJC... Their niche subjects are not those that I want to excel in. NYJC is good in the Chinese-related stuff, but just average in stuff like Econs, math and geog, the stuff I wanna take -- and of course get good grades for. But those aren't NYJC's niche subjects. It's ACJC's niche. Second, NYJC's debate team really is er, not very good. So, basically I'm worried for my testimonials. I heard that testimonials are important in Uni, if you wanna apply for a scholarship. Third, (this is a really stupid point) there are too many CCHY people in NYJC. I would prefer an environment with new people. But actually I don't really mind CCHY people also. Argh, what am I talking.
My parents have come to the conclusion that I should go to NYJC, because they are afraid of the pressure that I would face in ACJC, and the distance. My mom works around the vicinity, and she says it's a torture for her to travel to work alone. I called upon my guardian angels also... I asked Cheng Hui, she didn't give me a clear explicit answer like "you should go to this school", but she helped me in evaluating the choices I had in hand. I got a clearer picture of things, but I still can't make a choice. I called Nick, definitely, he didn't have a answer for me, but I could tell that he was dropping hints all over the place that I should go to Nanyang JC, because it would be a lot more easier on me. It seems like all the people who I think know me better than I know myself believe that I cannot take the pressure in ACJC. Well, I'm going to ask a few more people, before making a final decision. It's strange, after writing so much, I suddenly realise that maybe NYJC is a better choice after all. But it still feels like a pity to put ACJC on the 2nd choice. ARGH.
I feel really sad that I won't be in the same school with my best friends next year. Cheng Hui is bent on going to ACJC, Su Xue maybe YJC or a poly, Calista going to poly. I still have Lihao, that is, if she decided to go to NYJC, and I do too, and I don't know who else, cause apparently I haven't gone around asking.
Monday, January 11, 2010
beginning of the next step.
Wow. I can't believe that I got an A2 for Physics. That was the real shocker for me.
I'm guessing that some of you are sastisfied with your results right now, and some of you are probably thinking that you could've done better. But whatever the outcome, I just want to let all of you know that it doesn't really matter. All that matters is that along this grueling O level journey, we have learnt a lot, not only from our textbooks, but from our teachers, our friends. There will ought to be countless battles in life, some of them much worse than this, and we can't possibly win all of them. These obstacles, I believe, are there to help shape us into better people, and to aid us in discovering who we really are, and our purpose in life. They are not there to put us down, rather, they challenge our morals, our determination, our strength. They help us grow and improve. For my friends who are sastisfied with what you've got, great! I'm happy for you too =) And here's to hoping that you'll continue to do better in the future. For those of you who feel like you didn't do well enough, or feel like you could've done better, don't beat yourself up over it. Just promise yourself that you'll do better next time, that you'll use this outcome to push yourself to improve and become better. It's NOT the end of the world.
People won't judge you based on your grades, so studying isn't everything. There's more to life than that. There are countless of chances out there, and you will succeed in one way or another.
I'll like to thank my teachers and my friends for being there for me when I needed y'all the most. Haha. I feel like I wouldn't have gotten to this far without any of you. Right now, I don't really care about my L1R5. I'm just really happy because my family is proud of what I've achieved. To me that's the most important. I worked hard for the O levels mostly because I didn't want to let down any of the hopes my friends and family have pinned on me. Now I'm contented that I didn't disappoint anyone. I feel like I could have done better for Maths though, ah nevermind. I'll work harder this year =)

This morning, I kept holding on this picture in my mind. Yeah, it's Lee Seung Gi graduating from his University. I was praying hard that I would be smiling like Lee Seung Gi in this picture after I saw my results. Haha... and I was.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Lee Seung Gi dancing in Korea's tribute concert to Michael Jackson. I still feel like MJ's still alive.
I'm struggling so hard to learn Korean, but somehow their grammar doesn't make sense. Like for example, if someone asks you "Are you Chinese?" in Korean, when replying in Korean, you must say "No, I am Chinese."(if you are a Chinese) or "Yes, I'm not Chinese."(If you're not a Chinese) ... ... It's getting really confusing. But I am addicted to Lee Seung Gi songs. So far, I've finished listening to all his albums, and I believe that his latest album, Shadow, is the best. Lee Seung Gi has joined the top ranks of my study idols. Haha... Well, I want to excel in studies like he did, so that can't be a bad thing. And his english is quite good, with a tinge of American accent! I haven't heard him speak Japanese yet, but people say that he's fluent in that as well.
Ah, I guess tomorrow's is it, Right? Strangely I don't feel nervous at all. Maybe I will turn into a emotional freak tomorrow, but now, i'm cool. I've thought about it, and it doesn't really matter what's the L1R5. I know I've done my best, I can't change anything at this point of time, so I'll accept what comes (hopefully). I'm still putting Nanyang JC Arts stream on my first choice. I'm going to take H1 Art next year. Haha... We'll see how that comes out.
I borrowed 3 library books, one on making a good first impression, the other on critical thinking skills, and the third on mental organisation. So far I'm only 20 odd pages into the first book. I haven't been in the reading mode lately. Trust this from an avid reader. I'm more into sketching and guitar these few days. Today I think I played my guitar for too long, the steel strings from my darling acoustic have sort of wounded my left index finger. There was blood, but I'm more fustrated that my fingertips aren't developing callouses fast enough. The skin on the fingertips needs to thicken (callous) before I can play the steel-string guitar for hours without pain.
Friday, January 8, 2010
today's just today.
Well, it's 3 more days to the Big news. I was going to write great news, and then i thought it might not be that great after all.
Nick Jonas just started his own band, aside from the Jonas Brothers. It's called Nick Jonas and the Administration. I find their music good, or rather Nick Jonas's music, in this case. I couldn't find their music video of their newly released single "Who I am" on youtube, I think they stripped it off temporarily due to copyright reasons. I do have a video of Nick Jonas and the band performing the song live during the 2010 Grammy Nominations concert, so enjoy this, before they re-release the music video. I saw the music video a few days back. It was pretty good.
I spent the whole day doing up debate notes for the juniors. The school team's coach didn't renew the contract, and they're having a competition soon, so Mrs Priya asked Cheng hui and I to stand in for like 2-3 weeks or so. I'm taking it like a refreshment course... you can never believe how much stuff I've forgot. haha.
I'm not feeling too well at all today... for some reason. I'd better sleep early.
I want someone to love me, for who I am.
Nick Jonas just started his own band, aside from the Jonas Brothers. It's called Nick Jonas and the Administration. I find their music good, or rather Nick Jonas's music, in this case. I couldn't find their music video of their newly released single "Who I am" on youtube, I think they stripped it off temporarily due to copyright reasons. I do have a video of Nick Jonas and the band performing the song live during the 2010 Grammy Nominations concert, so enjoy this, before they re-release the music video. I saw the music video a few days back. It was pretty good.
I spent the whole day doing up debate notes for the juniors. The school team's coach didn't renew the contract, and they're having a competition soon, so Mrs Priya asked Cheng hui and I to stand in for like 2-3 weeks or so. I'm taking it like a refreshment course... you can never believe how much stuff I've forgot. haha.
I'm not feeling too well at all today... for some reason. I'd better sleep early.
I want someone to love me, for who I am.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I was just watching a Jamie Oliver cooking show. I don't know how these chefs make cooking look so easy and fun at the same time, but I am definitely falling in love with the art of food. I hope to try out this new dish I learnt from the show today, hopefully before school starts. It involves chicken, potatoes, tomatoes; and I simply love these 3 items, alone or together, they're all deelish =)
I went out with my Grandmom yesterday, I showed her around Orchard Road, and the new malls that had sprouted out. I love that my Grandma is 73 years old but doesn't look the bit, and doesn't act the bit either. She walked with me all around Orchard for like 8 hours, only resting for lunch. 313@ Somerset is really a fantastic place to go to. Especially the large Uniqlo outlet there. The clothes from Uniqlo have a better workmanship and quality than most other fashion retail chains. Maybe it's because Uniqlo originates from Japan. It's nice to take time off and spend them with your family... I'll hardly ever get to do that when I return to school. I'm trying to value all the personal time that I have now, and really do the things that I love, and have yearned to do for the past year. Some of y'all don't have much to do for the holidays, but i have loads. Haha. Every single day is jammed packed with events. There's not enough time for me to finish them all! But I'm trying to live my life to the fullest right now, before time is taken away from me next month. Or rather once we get our results. I sound like a person with a terminal illness, and am going to die soon. LOLS. Well, my life is about to be taken away from me again by school.
I'm starting to get a little scared about seeing my results. There's just going to be tinges of uncertainty, worry, and slight confusion spinning around my mind these few days. What grades will I get? Is all I have done enough? Like where will I go from here? Even if I have a particular school in mind, what subjects will I take? Can I do well in those subjects? Those questions just revolve around my subconscious, most probably because I'm suppressing them, in a natural, but yet in a way uncanny effort.
I went out with my Grandmom yesterday, I showed her around Orchard Road, and the new malls that had sprouted out. I love that my Grandma is 73 years old but doesn't look the bit, and doesn't act the bit either. She walked with me all around Orchard for like 8 hours, only resting for lunch. 313@ Somerset is really a fantastic place to go to. Especially the large Uniqlo outlet there. The clothes from Uniqlo have a better workmanship and quality than most other fashion retail chains. Maybe it's because Uniqlo originates from Japan. It's nice to take time off and spend them with your family... I'll hardly ever get to do that when I return to school. I'm trying to value all the personal time that I have now, and really do the things that I love, and have yearned to do for the past year. Some of y'all don't have much to do for the holidays, but i have loads. Haha. Every single day is jammed packed with events. There's not enough time for me to finish them all! But I'm trying to live my life to the fullest right now, before time is taken away from me next month. Or rather once we get our results. I sound like a person with a terminal illness, and am going to die soon. LOLS. Well, my life is about to be taken away from me again by school.
I'm starting to get a little scared about seeing my results. There's just going to be tinges of uncertainty, worry, and slight confusion spinning around my mind these few days. What grades will I get? Is all I have done enough? Like where will I go from here? Even if I have a particular school in mind, what subjects will I take? Can I do well in those subjects? Those questions just revolve around my subconscious, most probably because I'm suppressing them, in a natural, but yet in a way uncanny effort.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
new specs
Yay... finally got new spectacles. I just found out that I had astigmatism (I really have no idea how to spell this word) like a week ago... so had to make new glasses. My old pair was becoming really flimsy, and kept on slipping off the bridge of my nose, so we (my parents and I) had decided to get a new sturdy, better frame. I'm super elated with my new pair of glasses. It's still frameless... plus, it's from one of my favourite designer brands of all time... Dolce & Gabanna!! Cool eh? =)) I hope this frame will last me for at least 2-3 years (and I think it will. it comes with a 3 year guarantee). Sometimes you have to see splurging on designer brands as an investment. Like you spend more to buy the product, but because it is of good quality, it lasts, and you save more on the long run in comparison. And it does help ease off your hunger to shop, for people who have shopping addiction. Lols.
Ahh... it's class BBQ tomorrow. I'm finally going to see Cheng Hui and Li Hao in the flesh after... a very long time. Haha... and a lot of other people. I can't believe it's January already. It's like I haven't even had enough of December yet! Thank God I'm finally easing off the American accent. If not, I'll be like totally super awkward tomorrow.
I can't wait for Su Xue to come back also... we've been like communicating via email, but it's been ages since I last saw her. Yeah, I'm really selfish. If she comes back earlier, it would mean a few days less spent with her mom and family... I can't even begin to imagine how that must feel.
Ahh... it's class BBQ tomorrow. I'm finally going to see Cheng Hui and Li Hao in the flesh after... a very long time. Haha... and a lot of other people. I can't believe it's January already. It's like I haven't even had enough of December yet! Thank God I'm finally easing off the American accent. If not, I'll be like totally super awkward tomorrow.
I can't wait for Su Xue to come back also... we've been like communicating via email, but it's been ages since I last saw her. Yeah, I'm really selfish. If she comes back earlier, it would mean a few days less spent with her mom and family... I can't even begin to imagine how that must feel.
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