Saturday, August 22, 2009


ooo. blogger's back to normal... yay =)

Looks like here we go again... Prelim 2. Thank God my new meds are working, I don't feel like a walking roly-poly no more... I'm guessing everyone's just slogging out as hard as I am for exams, and from the bottom of my heart to all of y'all, the BEST of luck. Keep the spirit going, don't break down like I did, dance and sing to relax, and you be perfectly fine. Oh, and screw A maths, seriously, it doesn't matter if you fail, Ms Woo is out to fail us all anyways. I can't believe her. She's just so, I don't know... saddist? Whatever. She's not worth ruining my day.

I finally completed the bulk of Bio revision yesterday... Phew! I have 7 chapters of Bio left to do... but that'll have to wait. I've to focus on Chemistry now first.

Mari, Trish, Kristen, Nick, Eric, Koichi, Ashley MY GODD. I MISS y'all soo damn much. I can't wait to see you peeps again and give you a bear hug each, though I'm far from the size of a bear. We can like totally have fun, and make those hilarious home videos again. haha... the times. Thanks for being there for me always, despite being thousands of miles away. I had this dream last night of y'all coming, gatecrashing my school "prom". LOLs, though our prom is far from the scale of yours.

okays, I really have to go revise now. and listen to demi lovato's new album.

hugs and kisses.
to my BFFs, and friends and even aquaintances, you all are such wonderful people to be around. =)

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