Well, actually the title has two meanings. I LOVE new york (haha) and I LOVE NANYANG!! Over here feels so at home, and you don't really get the feeling that you're in a new school, at all. I've made quite a few new friends, and they all are really friendly. Orientation was super, especially yesterday... when we had the disco night. HAHA. I can just imagine the scene again. My group's people were like dancing like mad, and Franchaisca was the most hyper. I danced crazily also, like haha. I don't usually do that, unless I'm in the States, but the atmosphere was so alike that I just went with it. I hope I didn't make a fool out of myself.... LOLs. Above is the picture of my OG, complete with OGLs and 3 members of the student council. I think I look completely unflattering in the photo though... I HEART CONNOR ONE!
Today we had some lectures, like GP and Bio H1 for me. I like GP and what it covers. It's like debate made into a subject. No qualms about that... =) I can't wait to start GP tutorials! The Bio teachers were quite intimidating... they were like forcing us to speak up and answer questions and stuff. All they covered were discipline, and how difficult the subject is. That made me like super scared for Bio. For a moment in class, I even doubted if taking H1 Bio was the right choice...! But after the lesson, I gave it a thought, and still thought choosing H1 Bio was right.
Oh, and Nanyang Debate didn't close shop. Phew! There's another girl my OG who's also a ex-school debater. Both of us went to approach the teacher ic directly, and the teacher put our names down. We are trying to find more debaters so ANYONE IN NYJC who is interested in Debate? You don't hv to speak, we can put you as reserve, and it's like practising yr GP which is absolutely essential!!! Sorry, I can't help but try to advertise. We need like more people in debate, so come join! During the CCA bazaar today, I put my name down for Eng Drama and Service Learning also.
Tmr I have like H2 Econs, Maths and Geog, and PE (eewww.). I'm pretty paranoid for Maths, since I've been trying to figure out summation for 3 weeks now, to no avail (at all). Oh, need to get graphic calculator tmr. Damn, I'm $158 poorer. I'm quite eager to attend the Geog lecture, but not so on Econs, as I heard that the teacher will keep on bringing up the analogy of Photosynthesis, to explain how you must think deeper. (WSC notes are more fun to read...)
Feeling a bit annoyed coz grandma just "packed" my table while I was in school, again. Whenever she "packs" I don't know where the hell my stuff are. ARGH.
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