Friday, February 19, 2010

notice for SamP and gang, message from Pu Yu. =O

To Sam P and gang,
PuYu cordially invites you to attend the Yishun JC bazaar on the 27th of Feb 2010. The bazaar will last from morning to afternoon (around 5pm), but you may leave at any time during that period. Sam P is allowed to drag as many people as he would like to accompany him, and is encouraged to do so.
Please reply to this invitation via Carmen, who will pass the message to Su Xue, who in turn will relay the acceptance or decline of this invitation to Pu Yu.

P.S. According to SuXue, Pu Yu is currently of normal mental stability. This is just a reassurance, not a guarantee. =X

HAHA. Ok, the above is really NOT a joke. Please tell me yr reply before 27 Feb, ya? =P

I'm too tired to elaborate on my day in school today. All I shall say is that we had a class debate in Geography and my team had the upperhand. Haha... But my class has good sportmanship and bears no grudges. =) Lovely people I've met here.

But there has been one awkward moment in class today. Which I really am too tired to talk about. I don't think I'll every blog about it anyways =) hahas.

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