I feel like i'm being pushed too hard, and again, my body is not taking it well at all. My Hypoglycemia is acting up again... Anyway, it's agonising to be hit by repeated waves of nausea and dizziness during lessons. It's even more difficult to act okay. I don't want to miss out any lessons because i've to go to the sick bay.
My migranes are back too. Oh god. I hate it, completely. It feels like someone is continuously swinging a jackhammer towards your skull.
All of these problems --- stress-related. And here I am, under Cheng Hui's and Darion's indirect motivation, trying desperately to juggle my O levels stuff and Scholar's Cup. I love to study for Scholar's Cup... It's way more interesting than my school stuff, but I have to control myself to stop stop stop studying for it! It's not easy studying O level subjects, plus Visual Arts, History, JC maths, Economics and Literature. I hate Lit, completely, and the Maths too, there's things like Secant-Secant Theorem and Imaginary numbers, and for lit, I see all these alien words and phrases that don't make any sense at all. Economics, visual arts and history are fun. But O LEVELS are more important. I stick post-its all over my scholar's cup notes and my desk to remind me to stop studying for Scholar's cup after a certain time period. I still have the bulk of economics, hist, and visual arts to cover. No time to care... I'm just gonna read it, forget it, and possibly flunk it.
Oh, and I'm officially over that guy. OFFICIALLY!! Now, when you look back and think, you ask yourself "what were you thinking? it's never gonna work out" and ya, it's officially over. Not even 1%... However, I sense a tinge of weird things going on related to that matter. really weird stuff. I just wish things would be back to the before-crush-period. I already have enough on my plate so pls don't add anymore stuff to it. and Nick's been asking lots of weird questions lately. But I will not have any BGRs before my O levels. Period.
(ABOVE PICTURE) Had fish scuplturing today... initially I was kinda negative to the idea, mainly because I had too many things, too little time, and believed the fish making was eating up my precious minutes. It turned out to be really fun, and although my fish looked simple, I hope it'll survive the oven... And I so hope that nobody destroys it. Found my sec 2 artwork, that was miraculously still sitting in the same place in the artroom that I left it 2 long years ago. But I still didn't find my Sec 2 Drawing Block. Bummer! I had sketched, shadowed and painstakingly drew the potrait of Marilyn Monroe inside. It was damn nice. I spent like hours on that... was hoping to frame it, but our drawing block in sec 2 was never returned.
I have so much stuff to do, so little time. And I'm not feeling that good now... My head is spinning a little and I can't stand, coz i'll definitely black out. Happened before... and it's not something that I wanna go through again.
Argh... I still have Physics h/w that I haven't touched yet. Maybe I'll just do the CHIJ one, coz i don't think I can stand anymore thinking.
I think I may be on "Hiatus" for the rest of the week... I'm too busy!! So sorry... But I'll promise I'll update as soon as I find time... even this week... I hope.
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