I know i shouldn't be up so late, it's like 12.21 a.m. now, and it's not as if I have any stuff to study. Just watched the American Music Awards.... TAYLOR SWIFT SWIPED OFF THE MAJOR AWARDS again! She won like 5 out of 6 of the awards she was nominated for, if i remember correctly, including Artist of the Year. Michael Jackson was also nominated for Artist of the Year, and i was kinda sitting on the fence between Taylor and MJ. Above is a shocked picture of Taylor Swift, who just got the news. Unfortunately, she was in London, and unable to attend the AMAs. Well, they got her live on video feed, though. =) Adam Lambert was there performing, and he kissed one of his performers in front of the camera. The performer was male, so it was pretty shocking. Not that I have any prejudices against gays, i think they have the right to do what they want, I think i just don't like Adam Lambert. It's strange why they didn't ask Kris Allen to perform.
I'm meeting my friend Jane tmr. She's like my best bud in Primary school... Haha. I think Joping and Lihao still remember her. I promised to help her with her make-up for her prom, so tmr we're meeting to get some makeup essentials. It's pretty much been months since i've hanged out with her... the last time being the both of us watching the movie Wildchild together. I'm thankful that she still keeps in touch with me, and makes the effort to do so. They aren't many friends like her anymore.... Like many ppl just forget you once you're in a different class or something next year. I find that disappointing and upsetting. I hope I can keep in touch with as many ppl in 4H as possible... even after like 40 years later... Hahax
I'm going to get my guitar on Wednesday. I dropped by Yamaha on Sunday, but they said stock for the guitar I wanted was only coming in on Wednesday. Another trip it is, then... I'm pretty excited about learning the guitar and all... I've read up quite abit, and all I need is the thing to practise on. I hope to at least master the beginners level, as in chords and picking, etc by the end of december. When JC starts, I doubt i'll have this kinda freedom. Below? the guitar i'm gonna get =)
ok, my eyes are shutting on me now, so i'd better be doing what i should be doing... sleeping.
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