Sunday, March 29, 2009

show n tell.

wow... lots been happening lately. and my mountain of homework is totally not helping.

I've been thinking about what to do for Mdm Sue's lesson on Wednesday. She wants us to do either newspaper article sharing or show and tell. I think i'll do show and tell, coz i seriously think that newspaper article sharing is kinda boring. I mean like what am i going to talk about Earth Hour?? zzzzzz.

But the problem is, i've nothing to "show and tell"... ok fine, I'm a boring person, but seriously i'm not materialistic. So my items and belonging don't really have a story behind them. My choice for now would be my Taylor Swift CD. But i still don't have much to talk about. One problem unsolved.

Friday's PTA meeting went ookay. Like I got Ms Kaur instead of Mrs Choo (though I'm curious about what Mrs Choo is going to say about me =)) She basically had nothing real bad to say about me, but she said I needed serious work on my Maths, AMaths and Physics (notice the relation? all calculations. yuck). And she said that I could get A1 for my Comb. Humanities and English. Languages and Humanities rule!

Well, hope you like that new "picture" for my blog header. I kinda made it in like 5 mins, so its not like spectacular. But TAYLOR SWIFT RULES!

Whoops, gotta go study for my A Maths test on Tues. I'm soo totally dead. xP

now listening to: "I'm Only Me When I'm With You" by Taylor Swift !!!

I'm only me, who I wanna be, I'm only me when I'm with you!]



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