Saturday, July 31, 2010

well, okay, i didn't do as bad for my exams as i thought i did. turns out my percentiles for every subject were quite, okay. unexpected, huh. But i want to work harder, get better grades. something like that, i guess. At least that's what i think i want to do. I'm too tired to think now. But I'm not going to just self improve, but make sure that as i do so, the people around me move up with me. I'll do anything, give anything for that. Especially for one person. You know who you are.

My Aunt's coming back at like 1am tmr. I have to pack her room. haha... it's full of notes and textbooks, coz i've been using it for these 2 months since she'd left. I want her laptop...! like yeah. haha... i have to get my dad to get me a netbook or something. a cheap one. we'll see.

I studied with Joleen in the morning today, and then went to see Orson in the afternoon. Time seems to fly when I'm with him. I just want to hold on tight to every single day and moment that we spend together. I don't know how I'm going to live through that 3 years in University without him. The thought of it scares me. But i'm just going to have to live through it. Right?

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