Sunday, July 4, 2010

I hate PW man. I can't believe i'm working my ass of for some subject which i don't even need to care about, since i'm going overseas. grah grah grah grah grah.

haha, i feel so lazy now. i just slept for like the entire day, when i was supposed to clear my landfill aka desk. aiya, then tomorrow going out almost the whole day... so tonight i shall have to work on the landfill, or i shall blame myself for the whole week. Listening to Bonamana by Superjunior for the dunno how manyth time. I'm just addicted to the song... Hahaha. It somehow seems to wake me up. =) Orson hasn't been online for the whole day, I think he went for GP tuition, then going out for dinner with his family. I feel so bored. haha, well, not really lah, since i slept for the entire day =X

Still reeling from lethargy now, despite Bonamana and that rude shock-reminder on the school's online portal that we have PW week this week. =( YAWN. Ok, this post is so lame. There's absolutely nothing to talk about, because i'm blogging just to procastinate from doing anything else. I should start getting to work.... right?

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