Monday, October 5, 2009

when I look at you

I really like this song by Miley Cyrus. Somehow it makes me feel like part of it. Maybe I am. The songs i'm producing have been really really emotional lately. Much alike this song. Probably its the stress, but it did make me realise something. Now I have a task to complete after the O levels. It may not be the right choice, or the wisest one, but life's too short to take any more chances. I'll keep it to myself for now. I want to a little bit more certain about what i'm doing before confiding into anyone.

Sigh... my aunt is flying off to Idaho to see her husband again. Uncle Mark's dog Snowshoe will definitely be overjoyed. I wish I could go to USA with her. Then I wouldn't have to take the freaking O levels.

i spent the day studying at the yishun library after school. I managed to finish the whole chapter of Development on Geog. I'm dead beat. My health's not holding up too well, so i'm going to the hospital on Wednesday to get a few hours of drip. Ya'noe, that packet thing where they poke a tube and needle into you and let it "drip". Because of that i'm gonna have to miss Physics review on Wednesday. Can't help it. Gotta think of the bigger picture. Today Mr Lee told me specifically not to give up hope on Physics. I don't want to, but I have to, in order to protect my L1R5. Of course, I don't feel good letting him down like that, but if given more time, I would put effort in Physics. Sad, I don't have that liberty right now.

I don't know why, it always feels better when you're here.

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