Saturday, September 18, 2010

is it too selfish for me to want you to come with me? it is, right. God, please stop this pain. It's tearing me apart.

today was a good, and a bad day. haha. good in the sense that i got to spend much more time with him than i usually would, bad in the sense that i had a stomachache, and seeing mabel leave for australia at the airport, made me think so much about myself.

I would cry. Really badly. Prolly crack a few bad jokes. And I wouldn't let his hand go. Damnit. I've visualised this situation over and over again, for God knows how long, but every time it makes me dread that day even more. Departure gates scare me now. Shit. I feel like crying again.

promise you'll never let my hand or heart go. ever.

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