Thursday, September 16, 2010

i want to study. i want to ace and kill promos. i don't want to let chenghui down after she told me that i must aim for straight Bs. and i don't want to retain. that would be the last thing i'd ever wish for.

but yet, i'm so tired of all these. the concepts the notes, the stupid promo packages. it's starting to wear me. and i'm feeling the brunt of it. JC is stressful. i want to go out with Orson on saturday, I want to send Mabel off at the airport on saturday. but everything in my head tells me to stay home to mug. everything in my heart tells me i need a break. divide me. please.

i really don't wanna go to school tmr. but i have to, coz there's bio lessons and freaking chinese at 7.30. but i have to. this sucks. my eyes are burning, i think because i lack sleep. i wish time could just hell stop for one day.

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