Sunday, September 12, 2010

i'm just going to blog a little while. i don't think i'll have time for more.

I'm trying really hard not to complain about life again. complain about exams, about school, about whatever. I'm just trying to remind myself that i already am much luckier than many other people in the world.

I wish i could live my life again. But then, there's only 3 weeks left to promos. So i've decided to at least try to work harder. It's tiring, but 3 weeks. I think i can do it. Right?

And, I cannot believe that one year has just gone like that. That last year, at this very time, I would be jittering over O levels. Haha, what a joke. Now I wish Promo exams were the same standard as the Os. Fat hope.

Daddy's sick. I hope he gets well soon. I love my dad man. He's like some sorta super guy. He's got flu, he's marking papers, and when i spotted a leak in the bathroom, he fixed it within half hour. Super dad. =)

Having a tummy ache now. I think I overstuffed myself for dinner. indigestion. aaarrrgh.
I'm just going to apologise to everyone around me first. I'm going to lose my life and live solo for these 3 weeks because I need it. The exceptions? My dear, my parents, my closest friends. I need you guys more.

Please let me be strong and get through this without breaking down.

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