Sunday, April 4, 2010

I gave it a huge think-through. Somehow my brain was working on untangling the confusion i mentioned in my last post while I was doing my PI. Haha, talk about multi-tasking.

I'm just going to go on with life, as the status quo is now. Being good friends ain't that bad afterall, in fact it might be better this way. Save the awkwardness, and everything else, let's just go on as per normal. I'm pretty happy with the way things are right now anyways. He changed is personal message to lament on Project work. So let's just move on from here. Let fate play out the rest of these 2 years that we're going to be together.

I finished that super saddistic PI. The word count is my biggest enemy. Like I had to cut to 499 words from an initial 800 plus words. CRAZY!! It took a lot of time, curses, and swears, but i got it done. I completed my Service Learning Proposal also. SLC!! haha. Ok, i like my cca. =)
Now, i'm left with my revision for my Geog test on tues, and a geog essay that is due on like friday, but i still wanna do it, just get all things Geog related out of the way. I wish these tests wouldn't just keep on comin' and comin'.

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