Friday, February 4, 2011

I just made up my mind that i would go for the Taylor Swift concert. Heck the math test on the next day. I logged on Sistic, to find the tickets sold out. I felt my heart wrench. Too late.

It's the 2nd day of the Chinese New Year. At least, there's still 2 mins left before the 3rd day comes. hah. Time flies. It really does. I've been thinking a lot lately, well okay... I usually think a lot already, but I've been thinking more than often these few days. About a lot of things. About how, I'm not exactly living my life like I should. It's more of, I'm not savouring everyday, and every minute that I've got, I'm not living my life to the fullest. You may think it's a foolish dream to think that anyone can live life to his/her fullest, with no regrets, but, that's my dream. I'd always put that as my new year's resolution, because I feel that I have been given so much, but yet, I let alot of it slip away with time as well.

I'll do my best to cherish what i have now. i really will. especially who i have now.

Hmph. I swear I'll go to a Taylor Swift concert when I next hear of one here. Till then, i'll make sure i'm never "too late" again.

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