Friday, December 24, 2010

This is weird. I haven't wrote a song in ages... and I mean, ages. Yet, Doojoon and Dongwoon from B2st have officially inspired me to start writing again. I'll give it a try, tmr. See if the music juices are still somewhere inside me.

I've been thinking alot lately. Weighing choices, decisions, roads to take. Somehow i'm always at a crossroads. I'd wish there'd come a time when i'm not afraid of so many things. That I'm brave enough to tell people what i truely want, and what i stand for. I wish i'd stop hiding behind appearances, that I'd come out straight and truthful.

I'd always want to tell Orson everything. But everytime i see him, he just makes me smile, and forget the stuff that's been hanging around my head. and i'll just worry him more if i tell him certain things.

I hope no door closes on me yet.

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