Monday, December 20, 2010

Finally blogging after, i don't know how long... But this will be a quick post. I gotta sleep soon =x

Holidays are just gone like that. I can't believe I just have 2 more weeks, before the "play" button clicks, and life returns to the hectic, stressful rush called school. Trying to make the most out of this 2 weeks. I hope. There are so many things to be done, that I want to do, that I just didn't have the time to do before. Please let me be able to finish everything!

Tomorrow's daddy's birthday. We're going out at night to celebrate, and who cares if i'm missing my class bbq for this. Family's more important.

Starting to study bit by bit. Not the most welcoming thing to the new year, but yeah, it has to be done. I will do well again this year, hopefully better. and hopefully, not just in academics, but other things as well.

Play hard, work hard, live strong.

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