Thursday, January 29, 2009

what's up this week


I'm still on my song-writing craze, its really cool to be able to de-stress through music... My kinda music =)

Well, Chinese New Year was quite a bore as usual, but thank god the recession has not reduced my Hong Pao money =))

Went to CH's house on Tuesday to "Bai Nian" (visiting) with my Xue'er.... hahax, cute to use that name. CH's mom was like soo nice, she gave us alot of goodies to eat, and CH's dad was hilarious! We saw like family photos and talked alot, mainly about my Xue'er!! Lols.

Haix, there's debate tmr...!! Like I'm so damn busy, I don't even have enough sleep... I wanna sleep in class!! Well, I hope the motion for next week's debate won't be so digusting, and cause us so much trouble. My eyes are so shutting on me, and all these things come tumbling down down down.

I wish I wasn't studying Science. I'm a HUMANITIES person!!

told you I'm not bulletproof now you know.


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