Tuesday, January 20, 2009

crushing season

What the heck... Love, or rather, Infacuation, is in the air...
With Valentine's day just weeks away, i still can't believe that almost everyone is harbouring a crush. Yes almost EVERYONE (that i know at least)...

Do i have a crush?? Well... hmmm... maybe, or maybe not, but that's for me to know and for you to find out... =)

I'm never going to date before the age of 18-19 anyways. too immature=)

Going crazy over CNY deco in my classroom... so many things to do, so little time!!! Thank GOd they extended the deadline for judging... I'm like drawing oxen for the classroom deco... will snap a few pics and put it up here next time...

okok gtg now... busy!

carmen =)

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