Thursday, January 29, 2009

what's up this week


I'm still on my song-writing craze, its really cool to be able to de-stress through music... My kinda music =)

Well, Chinese New Year was quite a bore as usual, but thank god the recession has not reduced my Hong Pao money =))

Went to CH's house on Tuesday to "Bai Nian" (visiting) with my Xue'er.... hahax, cute to use that name. CH's mom was like soo nice, she gave us alot of goodies to eat, and CH's dad was hilarious! We saw like family photos and talked alot, mainly about my Xue'er!! Lols.

Haix, there's debate tmr...!! Like I'm so damn busy, I don't even have enough sleep... I wanna sleep in class!! Well, I hope the motion for next week's debate won't be so digusting, and cause us so much trouble. My eyes are so shutting on me, and all these things come tumbling down down down.

I wish I wasn't studying Science. I'm a HUMANITIES person!!

told you I'm not bulletproof now you know.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

happy CNY

Its Chinese New Year!!! Everyone get ready for all the Hong Baos... and the money! =)

Tonight is reunion dinner... haix. Its gonna get noise in the house... I wonder how am I going to possibly finish all the homework =(

anyway... jsut wanted to wish y'all a happy CNY~!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

crushing season

What the heck... Love, or rather, Infacuation, is in the air...
With Valentine's day just weeks away, i still can't believe that almost everyone is harbouring a crush. Yes almost EVERYONE (that i know at least)...

Do i have a crush?? Well... hmmm... maybe, or maybe not, but that's for me to know and for you to find out... =)

I'm never going to date before the age of 18-19 anyways. too immature=)

Going crazy over CNY deco in my classroom... so many things to do, so little time!!! Thank GOd they extended the deadline for judging... I'm like drawing oxen for the classroom deco... will snap a few pics and put it up here next time...

okok gtg now... busy!

carmen =)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

MJC invitationals

Yesterday had 3 debates in one day... TIRING. I mean like we had 3 rounds, and we made it to the semi-finals before we lost to St Joseph International. But I still believed that there was a chance there in which we could have won ya know.

here were the motions:

1. This House would deplore negotiating with terrorists. (prop)
2. This House would disqualify women who had undergone Plastic Surgery from Beauty Pagents. (Prop)
3. This House would allow the use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Professional Sports. (Prop)

As you can see by now, the last motion was really like a bit unfair, and to support the use of PEDs?? Nehh... Against Status Quo... thus Opp won. ( actually, after the debate, we rang up our coach, and he told us that VITAMINS were also considered PEDs... if only we knew earlier. how s i c k is that.)

Anyways... to my debating team::



carmen =)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

S'pore Kids and Myopia...

All about Myopia in Singapore...

Spending a couple of hours outdoors each day could help children avoid becoming short-sighted, Australian researchers said Tuesday.
Exposure to bright light for two to three hours daily helps regulate the eye's growth, dramatically reducing the risk of myopia, an Australian Research Council study found.
Short-sightedness, traditionally a problem among the highly educated, has reached record levels in east Asia, lead researcher Professor Ian Morgan told AFP.
Growing numbers of children in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and China are struggling with their vision, with up to 90 percent of Singaporeans wearing glasses by the time they leave school, he said.
"That would compare with about 20 percent of Australians. We were quite intrigued by this -- that for a country that's quite well educated we have a serious lack of myopia in Australia," Morgan said.
A comparative study showed 30 percent of six and seven-year-old Singaporean children had already developed the condition, compared with just 1.3 percent of Australians of the same age.
The figures were similar when contrasting children of Chinese descent from both nations, allowing researchers to eliminate ethnicity as a factor.
The one significant difference between the populations was time spent outdoors -- children from Singapore spent an average 30 minutes outside every day, compared with two hours for the average Australian.
Both groups spent about the same amount of time reading, watching television and playing computer games, debunking the theory that flickering screens were ruining children's eyes, he said.
"There's a driver for people to become myopic and that's education," Morgan said. "And there's a brake on people becoming myopic and that's people going outside."
"What we would suggest is that what's happened in east Asia is that they have got the balance totally out of kilter."
The study is part of a long-term project on eyesight at the government-funded council.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

busy 09

ITS only the 4th day into the new year... and my to-do list is turning from a molehill into Everest. Damn... don't I get a breather?!

Whatever the case, well I've got lots to worry about, and how this year is going to turn out depends on how I start it. got to get things organised and stuff... and SHOP for chinese new year clothes...

I spotted two outfits. a hot PINK dress from robinsions costing S$89, and a grey "dress length" pullover tunic costing S$69 from Dorothy Perkins.... which to choose? I'm still wondering. The pink one is nice... the cloth and all makes the price worthy, but could the pink be too much of a Stand out on me?? The Dorothy Perkins number however, is pretty but not stand out, but the quality of its workmanship and fabric makes the S$69 quite a crunch. It only worth at the most S$45!!

anyway... i hope i'll find something that suits me... and I hope that Taylor Swift CD would release in ASIA QUICKER... I hate to wait until Feburary!

carmen =)