some song lyrics i came up with... check it out guys... gtg
Now that i look at you again,
I see you with different eyes,
I remember the time you were my friend ... oh
we spent good times together,
then you turned your back
you made me fall you made me sad
I thought we were special
that we'll never end...
but you only left me with one damn thing
oh its that brokenheart i thought i'd never mend
i believed it was the end of the world
cause gone was the one i trusted the most
but i got back up stronger again
i proved you wrong i backed you down
and i pieced together that brokenheart.
i have moved on, with other BFFs
they're so much better
but sometimes think back
i thought we were special
that we'll never end
but you only left me one stupid thing
oh its that brokenheart i thought i'd never mend
I believed it was end of the world
cause gone was the one i trusted most
but i got back up stronger again
and i proved you wrong i backed you down
i pieced together that broken heart.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
all jeans day... what to wear??!!
Oh boy, all jeans day is coming up soon, and i so don't know what to wear to school!!! In case you don''t know, all jeans day is this thursday, when all students wear their own clothes to school, NO UNIFORMS! I'm so stumped on what to wear there...My best outfits are all long-sleeved, and I don't think that would be a wise choice in the sweltering heat of June-July. haix....
and what shoes should I wear?? I'm thinking of my white canvas sneakers... but then again, there's P.E on that day, and it would probably be wiser to wear trainers instead.... aaarrrggghhhh... this is so fuctrating.. esp when the school doesn't allow us wearing sleeveless, making the choice harder.
update y'all soon
and what shoes should I wear?? I'm thinking of my white canvas sneakers... but then again, there's P.E on that day, and it would probably be wiser to wear trainers instead.... aaarrrggghhhh... this is so fuctrating.. esp when the school doesn't allow us wearing sleeveless, making the choice harder.
update y'all soon
Saturday, June 28, 2008
busy lady...
i'm so busy these 2 weeks... with school anniversary coming up, and me being the emcee, its really going to be crazy. But anyway, being emcee is more tough and fun than i initially thought. but the only thing is that it's very time consuming.
anyway, with my BFF being my co-host, there's really nothing to worry about. Anyway.... really rushing for time, and have to go now... sorry guys, won't be able to blog much these 2 weeks.\
i'm so busy these 2 weeks... with school anniversary coming up, and me being the emcee, its really going to be crazy. But anyway, being emcee is more tough and fun than i initially thought. but the only thing is that it's very time consuming.
anyway, with my BFF being my co-host, there's really nothing to worry about. Anyway.... really rushing for time, and have to go now... sorry guys, won't be able to blog much these 2 weeks.\
Sunday, June 22, 2008
aaahhh... back to school tmr..
I wish I had one more week. Seriously.. just one more week for me to watch all the movies I love, and to do all the stuff that i wanted to do during the holidays.
You know, thinking back, I already miss my childhood, even though I'm just a teen. I mean, like since primary 4, all the kids in Singapore have been logging ahead, so hard and desperate to get tops for their studies. They don't really get to take that time and explore the world around them and stuff like that.
Thankfully, I have wonderful parents, that expose me to different cultures in various parts of the world. I have been getting above average grades ( but not top grades... just slightly abve av.), until now, when I find it extremely difficult to balance my life and my studies. My school work has taken up almost all my time, and I wish I could trade that homework time for valuable time with my family. Now, we don't even have time to play Reversi, Cluedo or Monopoly anymore!
Luckily, my parents don't expect me to get straight As, but just to do the best that I can. Ever since i've returned from Canada, I believe that studying is a priority, but not one of the top. Those on the top should be family, yourself, and just being happy.
XOXO... wishing y'all the best of luck...
Friday, June 20, 2008
Oh no... end of the holidays...

Oh no... The holidays are ending... oh no... help!!! I hate to return to that mundane life. You know, like wake up, go to sch, come back, do homework, eat dinner, do more homework. THAT KINDA LIFESTYLE. It totally sucks.
Anyway... I'm trying to learn sewing now, to make it as a fashion designer. I have to master it, despite the heavy workload from school...! Oh school. DRATS. I feel like tearing at the thought of it. don't you?
speaking of tearing, wow, I almost did when I watched D.gray-man ep 88 LAVI. Lavi-kun... omg... he's so CCUUTEE when he's young... hahax. anyway, it was so heart wrenching for any Lavi fan. Heart breaking.
Lucky I read the manga way before hand and I know he's not gonna die. Lavi... aishiteru! anyway here are some screen shots from ep 88... enJOY!
hahax... lol
Thursday, June 19, 2008
How'd like me new blogskin??
Its soo depressing to know that I'm going to be returning to school so soon... I'm definitely not looking forward to that. I mean, the hectic, mundane lifestyle and the workload... It's killing me!! Drats... If only I were born overseas in Canada or USA or something like that. MANN..I'm definitely stressed out.
Anyway... That's just one of the new changes that is going to be made to my blog... everything's going to be a whole lot cooler... yeahs!
AND if any of you have myspace accounts, feel free to add me as a friend...
here's me profile::
smiles everyone... next change...
Monday, June 16, 2008
CHeck out Kira Plastinina
Well.. i completely love and adore her designs. and aspire to be like her one day... but in the mean time, i'll just concentrate on studying...
I've added a Kira Plastinina widget on my blog, showing her latest collections. I hope y'all will look through it if you have the time... and she loves pink... like me!!
well... homework is driving me crazy. I've yet to complete my homework, but i really am fed up with my progress... its so difficult!!
but in the meantime... lets just take a break. We can't be stressed out forever you know...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Miley Cyrus's new album... BREAKOUT!
be sure to support miley and buy the originals!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
can't get over miley!!
Heya peeps...
wow... i'm still crazy over Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus's songs after so long... hahax. GO miley GOO!! she's a real star... if only i had singing talent like her. hahax... i mean i can sing, but i can't project my voice...
Anyway... enough about me... back to Miley. Wow, I mean her career is like magical. And the recent photo "scandal" about her... I think it was just the media desperate for a story. I mean seriously, she would have exposed the same amount of skin if she was wearing a bare-back evening gown... and we have other celebs who pose nude for magazine covers, only covering the bare necessities. Which is worse?? The media uses excuses like "miley is a role model for kids and teens"... does that mean Britney or Paris Hilton isn't??
They are just blowing up a minor issue. And it hasn't changed my view. Miley rocks.
Oh... and there are these people on Youtube... posting nasty comments about Miley on videos of her. If they really hate Miley so much, why still watch a video about her??
Weird people. They just have nothing better to do... anyway... to lighten the mood, just listen to some of the miley tunes I have on my sidebar...
cheers mates.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Rocking my life!!

wow... its been long since i've last posted. but anyway... some changes i've made to my blog
~The music have all been changed to Hannah montana and Jonas brothers tunes.
~More pictures coming soon
~Music videos
~Fashion updates!!
for this time, i'm just gonna post a few pictures that i took in Canada.
Miley Cyrus rocks!
carmen =)
Monday, June 2, 2008
Hye!! baack frm CANADA.... had fun, though there were down times as well...
anyway... lemme get to da point.. i watch STEP UP 2: THE STREETS on the plane... and hell ya it ROCKS... This last dance was my all time fav.... and i love the move on time 4.16. hahax... damn cool
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