Sunday, January 6, 2008


well, 2008 really spells a new year, a new beginning...
I'm settling in well with my new class, made a couple of friends but still abit lazy to restart my brain to start studying hard again. Sorry for not posting for quite long, as i'm usually quite tired aft returning frm sch, due to the early hours that i have to wake up. but anyway, i've not been drawing lately, but here's a drawing that i did a during the nov, dec 07 holidays, hope u enjoy.... though its sunday, my eyes still feel like shutting....
But I have to do my social studies homework!!! D:
definitely not looking forward to that.... but anyway, must keep walking forwards right??
cheers, and keep smiling everyone,
rain or shine keep smiling...
carmen :P
p.s :: btw, the pic's of my "created exorcist" Hilary Swann... you can know more abt her in my fan fics... at

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