some random pics i found while blog-hopping.
I don't think anyone should, or would be reading my blog by now? i mean like... i haven't blogged since... argh, god knows when.
today we had math test, and college day. the math test was sucky. although this morning, while i was eating breakfast, my MP happened to be on a walkabout, and shook my hand and my parents' hands, and he wished my good luck for my test. apparently, math doesn't work well with luck i guess. my test was so screwed... but there's nothing i can do about it now, can i? but i thank my MP for his luck =) haha, he didn't look seasoned up to his role yet, but i hope he turns out to be an outstanding PAP leader. (yes, i'm a PAP supporter.~.~)
after the math test, went to eat Subway with carol and the girls. i still have 2 subway cookies sitting in the fridge. i always order the meal, but after finishing the sub, my stomach has no more vacancy for the cookies. hahaha. anyways, after that went back to school for college day. COLLEGE DAY. i admit, i am pretty sore that i didn't get awarded anything for college day, but i'm over it now. after college day today, i went home, and just slacked in front of the tv like a skinny couch potato. and suddenly, it didn't really matter anymore.
maybe the reason why i'm always soo stressed is because i'm always expecting myself to do this, do that, accomplish this, get that position. sometimes i wish i was that kinda girl, easily contented, happy go lucky. maybe my life would be alot happier and easier with that. at the moment, i'm just slacking. recalling some past stuff, and of course, the present. i've been through a lot, i must say. haha, but i'm still that wilful, childish, imaginative and foolish girl, just as always, right from the beginning. and i always want to be.
tmr i shall start work. i need to find my old self, and infuse it into my new life.
CCA elections friday. can't wait +)
take me away, take me somewhere new, i don't know who you are, but i, i'm with you.