Sunday, April 10, 2011

I NEED TO BLOG MORE. period. OH mann... there has been SO SO SO many things that are just stuck in my chest for the past few weeks or so... and the truth is, that, I really can't take it anymore. There were times when I'm just in the library, and wondering if I should pop in to see the school counsellor. I'm hyperventilating a lot, I can't focus, and I'm just an emotional wreck. I pity my boyfriend who has to take the brunt of it. =( sorry dear!! =(( So here's the breakdown on everything happening recently. 1. Some bitch teacher wants to close down my CCA 2. Same bitch teacher trys to play politics with me 3. Same bitch teacher spreads false and totally defamatory information about me and my CCA mates, in the staffroom, causing many teachers to think badly of us 4. My friend breaks down amid all the stress 5. I break down after bottling all the stress 6. My senior comes into the picture and tells us to fight, don't give up 7. Some Saint teacher, who was once a lawyer, drops us points for us to build up a case 8. I'm going to take a risk. Okay, well, the order of things, are, slightly jumbled up, only in the middle. the front and back are like, the same. Teachers are supposed to TEACH and impart MORAL values. Not play games with students and treat us like disposable puppets. I refuse to be controlled. I refuse to play your game. and now I want you to play MINE. Goodness. I sound so evil. Hah... but anyway, I can't reveal anything yet, due to safety reasons. Shall spill the beans, when erm, the beans are spilt. omg, i feel so much better now. I've really never felt as indignant in my life before. I don't even know if the next step I'm going to take is the right one, but I'm taking it. Please, don't let anything go wrong. Or else, the rest of my school life is soo doomed. and I might have to bring forward plans to go overseas to study. Haix. Worried. Stressed. Scared. Determined. Worried. I wish i was a vampire sometimes! Now i just wish that this will all be over soon. please...

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